IYO,Can a person be gay, yet be a legitimate, practicing,Jew, Christian, or Muslim?

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION


...the same way I'm a God-fearing practicing Christian that's supposed to be a virgin, but far from it.

''How'' might you ask? For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God...

...and, if you confess your sins - He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Christianity is not about being perfect, it's about being forgiven...

...if this thread is still open when I wake up, I'll share a story about an openly gay suitemate I had in South Africa from Kansas who knew more about the Bible than myself.

You make an important point, about confessing your sins. But if you had read my post carefully you would see why your statements are less than compelling.
You agree that are such things as sins that God doesn't want you to do, in your case you say not being a virgin until your married is a sin. If you became a christian after you loss your virginity, fine. But if you keep on having sex with girls you aren't married to, and have no intention of stopping that practice, and thinks its okay to continue doing so,  then you aren't a legitimate christian either.

I assume you have to agree Homosexuality or homosexual acts are sin given the relevant verses, you really can't deny it.

If a so called christian is a practicing homosexual who doesn't think its wrong, hes not going to be confessing it as a sin. He doesn't want to be forgiven, because he doesn't think he needs to be.

My argument is that such a person is deluded and can't possibly be a legitimate christian, jew, or muslim.
I think it's safe to say that if you are a homosexual and you act upon your desires and don't repent to god then you are most likely not well-off in the lord's eyes.

but if you are a homosexual who repents his/her wrong doing and stops acting upon your desires then you are fine.
Originally Posted by milkandcookies

I think it's safe to say that if you are a homosexual and you act upon your desires and don't repent to god then you are most likely not well-off in the lord's eyes.

but if you are a homosexual who repents his/her wrong doing and stops acting upon your desires then you are fine.

And this is what the Bible says, but it's not "most likely" ok in God's Eye's it says you are not, But it's as simple as repenting of that sin and in the Greek it means to [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Turn Away From"[/font]
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by milkandcookies

I think it's safe to say that if you are a homosexual and you act upon your desires and don't repent to god then you are most likely not well-off in the lord's eyes.

but if you are a homosexual who repents his/her wrong doing and stops acting upon your desires then you are fine.

And this is what the Bible says, but it's not "most likely" ok in God's Eye's it says you are not, But it's as simple as repenting of that sin and in the Greek it means to [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Turn Away From"[/font]
In islam, no human being has the ability to determine someone's fate.
God ultimately holds the last decision, no matter what sins that person has committed or the sins that we think he has committed, god knows a person's intentions and true personality.
Originally Posted by milkandcookies

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by milkandcookies

I think it's safe to say that if you are a homosexual and you act upon your desires and don't repent to god then you are most likely not well-off in the lord's eyes.

but if you are a homosexual who repents his/her wrong doing and stops acting upon your desires then you are fine.

And this is what the Bible says, but it's not "most likely" ok in God's Eye's it says you are not, But it's as simple as repenting of that sin and in the Greek it means to [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Turn Away From"[/font]
In islam, no human being has the ability to determine someone's fate.
God ultimately holds the last decision, no matter what sins that person has committed or the sins that we think he has committed, god knows a person's intentions and true personality.

Yes but God shows in his Word his Judgement, Our Judgement doessnt matter but he shows his Judgement in his Word........Same for Muslims as Christians, More so for Christians, he tell you what you get for living his way and what you get if you dont, Can we say forsureeeeeee what happends? No because we dont know what happends in the last seconds of that persons life, but if we are saying what would happen if you dont repent of your sins? it does say, many many places
I agree.

BUT, if an individual grows up in a society where they are not exposed to the word of god then is that person going to rot in hell?

I say, and a prominent muslim scholar, Hamza Yusuf, says no.

if a person has no knowledge of god's true word, then he does not get punished for disobeying god's word because he does not know what god's word is.

that being said (IMO), us humans have little knowledge of what fate will bestow upon others.

We have a better(not perfect, but better) understanding of what fate will bestow upon us because we have metacognitive capabilities.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by milkandcookies

I agree.

BUT, if an individual grows up in a society where they are not exposed to the word of god then is that person going to rot in hell?

I say, and a prominent muslim scholar, Hamza Yusuf, says no.

if a person has no knowledge of god's true word, then he does not get punished for disobeying god's word because he does not know what god's word is.

that being said (IMO), us humans have little knowledge of what fate will bestow upon others.

We have a better(not perfect, but better) understanding of what fate will bestow upon us because we have metacognitive capabilities.
I will speak for what the bible says and it shows Blasphemy of the Holy Spirt (God's word) is the only unforgiveable sin, basically if you know what your are doing is wrong (sin) and know what the Word says is wrong and you deny it then your bound for what it says you are, But for somebody to not get a chance to "deny" the word or "except" it, but we are here talking about somebody knowing they are sinning and denying what God says.......
Probably not. They can still practice but there's no legitimacy or at least that's the gist I get from most religions specifically the three you mentioned.

Personally, I don't see why you'd even bother after you've read and understood it and then see what it's done in real life.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION


...the same way I'm a God-fearing practicing Christian that's supposed to be a virgin, but far from it.

''How'' might you ask? For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God...

...and, if you confess your sins - He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Christianity is not about being perfect, it's about being forgiven...

...if this thread is still open when I wake up, I'll share a story about an openly gay suitemate I had in South Africa from Kansas who knew more about the Bible than myself.
Homosexuality is the only Sin you LIVE IN sorry, but you can lie and that lie is over once it's done being said and you can be forgiven and the same with any other Sin you commit but being "gay" is living in sin and if you live in sin you are Not of the Father's house, Not saying you cant be forgiven of the sin because you can but according to the Bible NO you cant be Christian and be gay, sorry but that's just the truth read the bible instead of just giving opinion on what it says
jesus said himself on the day you stand before him some people will say they did his work, but he said he will tell them "Depart from me, I never knew you, evildoer" and many other place he says that many will come in his name or that people will say they loved the father and his ways but wouldnt turn from thier sin......sorry but this is the truth according to the Bible, now if you dont believe the Bible you can believe what you want, but if you do this is what it says
I gotta respectfully disagree my man.  The bible is a book created by man to share THEIR thoughts and experiences with God.  In a sense, we could all write our own bibles to share OUR thoughts and experiences with God.

And what exactly is the truth?  Is it fact or reason? Or is it something that, over time, everyone agrees on?
what if a child of god is born androgynous/hermaphrodite? religion fail. 

if i were gay, i would skull *@#+ most of you kids and hopefully squirt a few ounces of sense in your pathetic, fearful minds.
Thou shall not sleep with man.... is just one of many decrees that common man regularly disobeys. Anybody who discriminates against homosexuality due to Christianity is just plain bigoted or really ignorant of their own religion.

Here's a few rules from Leviticus , the same book most Christians get their stance on homosexuality from, that Christain break everyday.

All of these are from Leviticus Ch. 19
 [sup]11[/sup] " 'Do not steal.
      " 'Do not lie.
      " 'Do not deceive one another.

 [sup]12[/sup] " 'Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

 [sup]19[/sup] " 'Keep my decrees.
      " 'Do not mate different kinds of animals.
      " 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
      " 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

 [sup]27[/sup] " 'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.

 [sup]28[/sup] " 'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

 [sup]30[/sup] " 'Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am the LORD.

 [sup]33[/sup] " 'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. [sup]34[/sup]The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born.Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD yourGod.

 [sup]Ch 13 - 45[/sup] "The person with such an infectious disease must wear torn clothes, let his hair be unkempt, [sup][d][/sup] cover the lower part of his face and cry out, 'Unclean! Unclean!' [sup]46[/sup] As long as he has the infection he remains unclean. He must live alone; he must live outside the camp
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION


...the same way I'm a God-fearing practicing Christian that's supposed to be a virgin, but far from it.

''How'' might you ask? For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God...

...and, if you confess your sins - He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.

Christianity is not about being perfect, it's about being forgiven...

...if this thread is still open when I wake up, I'll share a story about an openly gay suitemate I had in South Africa from Kansas who knew more about the Bible than myself.
Homosexuality is the only Sin you LIVE IN sorry, but you can lie and that lie is over once it's done being said and you can be forgiven and the same with any other Sin you commit but being "gay" is living in sin and if you live in sin you are Not of the Father's house, Not saying you cant be forgiven of the sin because you can but according to the Bible NO you cant be Christian and be gay, sorry but that's just the truth read the bible instead of just giving opinion on what it says
jesus said himself on the day you stand before him some people will say they did his work, but he said he will tell them "Depart from me, I never knew you, evildoer" and many other place he says that many will come in his name or that people will say they loved the father and his ways but wouldnt turn from thier sin......sorry but this is the truth according to the Bible, now if you dont believe the Bible you can believe what you want, but if you do this is what it says
How does one "live in" homosexuality? I'm really trying to figure that out. How is committing homosexual acts everyday any different from wearing clothes of different fiber everyday?   Or shaving everyday? Or being next to a women on her period. Or eating pig (hooved animals).

These, with the except of homosexuality and eating pork, are all sins modern life would be IMPOSSIBLE to commit everyday.
The only difference between these and homosexuality is that some regressed minds put their own prejudice into determining which ones to discriminate against others for and which ones to ignore.
the more i live, the more i realize how stupid religion is. 
Think about it, most people are born into it, they don't even have a choice. 
Originally Posted by Cz7

I think it's an interesting question because I read and see all the time homosexual people who say they  regularly attend church and are very religious. I am not talking about a person who was once homosexual,  and are now heterosexual or wanting to be heterosexual. I am talking about practicing homosexuals with no intention of becoming heterosexual or wanting to be heterosexual, who also feel there is nothing wrong with being homosexual according to their respective religion. 
People don't just wake up one morning and decide to be homosexual.
They are born that way and I believe baby boys get more of their mothers hormones while in the womb and women get more of their fathers. We don't know why it happens, but it does.

I'm not religious but from what I understand, God loves everyone equally. 

I can't believe people like you. 
No you cannot. I'm a christian and yes, I do sin on a regular basis. The difference is I know my sins are wrong, and I can ask God to forgive me. Homosexuals do not believe that their lifestyle is wrong (in a religious context). That ideal clashes with the core of all major religions. It just doesn't work.
Originally Posted by Bleezys and Heem

Originally Posted by Cz7

I think it's an interesting question because I read and see all the time homosexual people who say they  regularly attend church and are very religious. I am not talking about a person who was once homosexual,  and are now heterosexual or wanting to be heterosexual. I am talking about practicing homosexuals with no intention of becoming heterosexual or wanting to be heterosexual, who also feel there is nothing wrong with being homosexual according to their respective religion. 
People don't just wake up one morning and decide to be homosexual.
They are born that way and I believe baby boys get more of their mothers hormones while in the womb and women get more of their fathers. We don't know why it happens, but it does.

I'm not religious but from what I understand, God loves everyone equally. 

I can't believe people like you. 
You got me and my argument wrong. Im not a jew, christian, or muslim. I don't think those religions are valid. I don't think homosexuality is wrong, and it's despicable that they can't get married anywhere in the U.S.
Im arguing that for the homosexual, however that person came to be homosexual, who does in fact believe those religions are valid has something backwards because when I read the holy text of those respective religions they are less than tolerant of homosexuality. Why believe in a religion that says you are living your life wrong and are somehow damned for something you were born with

Get it? 
thou shall not take it in the cornhole but deliver thee into suzie's snatch. And he saw that it was good.
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