Jack Bauer vs Jason Bourne? Vol. FTW?

Oct 7, 2004
Answer this question:

Put these 2 cats at opposite ends of New York city and they have to meet up and kill each other at a previously undisclosed location with the next 24 hours orthey both die...who would win?

My duckets are on Jack, dude stops nuclear warheads before breakfast
Gotta go w/ bourne...the way he goes in on dudes...especially in the last one....
....jack gets busy too...but hand to hand...Jason
Jason Bourne, that N can fight.

(not to thread jack, I just felt the need to say how happy i am that barack obama is my president.)
The only way Bauer would win is if he stay'd the hell away from Bourne, like just ran away from him to devise a plot to kill him from a far distance. Assoon as Bourne got within a 5 block radius of Jack its all over, Cop cars straight crashin' on top of jack werd to Ultimatum.
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