Jaden Smith (AKA The Second Coming) Appreciation

They are celebrities, they have been through the fire, they should know better. The first priority should be to protect their kids from this kind of exposure. He can be as loopty doo as he wants to be, I don't care, but he clearly understands the type of attention brought onto him for being the child of celebrities and bait people with his attention-seeking nonsense, and seemingly don't get checked by his parents.
 how'd I know I was next
Yea..all the folks actin like the Jaden one is wrong or something for moving this way, I hope your 17 year old son is anywhere near as comfortable in his own space as this kid is without getting caught up in hard drugs or petty crime. This kid was obviously raised really well. Real talk I be feelin bad for Will and Jada cause people stay tryna say they're bad parents just cause his kids are eccentric and confident in themselves.

Things out of the norm scare people that are influenced by what they wish they could be.
Jaden is aight.
Doin his own thing.
Cool i guess. whatever.

But that white batsuit . .
What was he tryna compete with the bride?
Idk man. ***** weird. disrespectful as hell.

funny tho nonetheless. lol.
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"If a book store never runs out of a certain book, dose that mean that nobody reads it, or everybody reads it?"

"If newborn babies could speak they would be the most intelligent beings on planet Earth."

"Trees are never sad look at them every once in awhile they're quite beautiful."

"There is no nutrients in our food anymore or in our soil or IN OUR WATER."

"People tell me to smile I tell them the lack of emotion in my face doesn't mean I'm unhappy."

"When you live your whole life in a prison freedom can be so dull."

"All the rules in this world were made by someone no smarter than you. So make your own."

"You think you get it. YOU DONT YOU DONT YOU DONT!!!!!!!"

"Most trees are blue."

These are on point doe.

"You can discover everything you need to know about everything by looking at your hands."

Im now 99.9% certain he's a stoner.
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