[| -- Jalen Rose "Breaking News" Bosh & LBJ NYK 2010 from a Credible Source LOL -- |]

i couldnt even be mad.

if the raps dont make any moves to improve then he's goint to want out.

that duo would be reDONKulous.
theyre going to the Lakers

pg Lebron
sg kobe
sf cb4
pf pau
c bynum
^^^ mannnnnn if that were true, I think we would see the first 82-0 team! I don't think Dr.Buss is trying to pay that much with the luxury tax . I mightmake that lineup in 2K or Live, whichever I rent first.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

N_s thirsty for a headline.

He got the Steve Carell treatment from the NBA (someone cue that gif...)

Herstreit said that he had TWO credible sources that said both Les Miles and John Tenuda were going to Michigan. Because Jalen Rose said "sources" doesn't mean anything. His source could be Chris Webber for all we know.

Damn, consistent losing does a lot to a person.
Son, were you even alive the last time the Knicks won anything?
I wouldn't talk about winning anything if I were you

Your in Cleveland
In Brian Colangelo I Trust. It's sad to think tho that Bosh's credebility and popularity would sky rocket if dude was playing in the US instead ofToronto. I've seen tons of posts of ppl saying Bosh is trash or overatted and not a top three PF in the league. If he went to NY, I bet he would suddenlybecome one of the best PF in the league
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