and doesnt work well in the system
PLEASE. How the @$*@ would we be having the success weve had this season without Jamal. He was BY FAR our team MVP throoguh the 11 games he playedand the reason we were up .500. He was putting up together IMO his best statistical season didnt score AS much as last year but %s were WAY up due to smarterplay, and he was our leader, and his D has improved. Through what evidence are you gonna say he didnt fit in? The preseason

Anyway my dude Jamal will be missed. I think he will be suprisingly more of a success than people think in GS mostly due to the fact that he can still score atany given time any given way in a game, but his shot selection and @+%% like that has improved IMO he is not that flashy ball hog he was when we gpt him. Myman Jamal was the only one who gave it his all no matter what this decade and was the team captian. I dont care if we sucked, but Jamal deserved better thanwhat he got with us. And he was finally leading us to success and more than likely a playoff berth IMO this season only to get traded toa team in the bpttom ofthe west. I love the trade but i feel for my guy Jamal.

When the Knicks host Golden State on 11/29 it would be straight up unclassy for Knicks fans not to give this guy an ovation or some @+%% cause he reallydeserves it, i dont care if the team sucked. @$*@ i think it would be a classy move even if they had a little video @+%% or something. Not like a big ceremonylike when Pat first came back but just a little slide and shoutout just to let him know what he did for this city is appreciated.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Has Hinrich recovered from that yet??


And Crawford has been doing that same crossover since he's been in the league...And people still can't stop it.
Every person that tries to stop it gets frozen.

Crawford will def. be missed. He's a great player and plays the game with respect.
He took a lot of wild shots but he also made BIG shots for us.

The game he had against the Heat was amazing.
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