Jamarcus "Bust" Russell

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Way to early to label Jamarcus a bust. He is already in a terrible position with Al Davis ruining the stability with the coaching staff. He has too much talent for me to give up on him this early.

Talent the guy looks like hes throwing Frisbees out there, hes got a fruity a** throw!
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Why is Alex Smith relevant to the topic?

Anyway, i think he can still do pretty good. Just got to protect him better. Thats coming from a Niners fan

yea we all know Alex Smith is a bust.
Jamarcus is still young. he stillhave 2 more yrs to proves himself before we calls him a bust. Yea I'm niners fan too.
I'd bet the J Russel is going to end up being an above average QB and I hate the raiders. You have to take into account that he has no line, no receivers,no coach, no offensive coordinators no anything. He does have bad footwork, but when i watch him play it seems like he does okay given the constraints on theteam. The coaching staff never puts him in a position to succeed and his receivers are rarely open and when they are they drop the ball.
Way too early to call this man a bust. All the talent is there,but like someone mentioned before, he is afraid to make mistakes. That's because of the situation he's in with everything around him, he had all thetalent to become a star in my opinion.
Classic Raiders fan, responding to a thread, started by someone who at least appears to be a Dolphins fan, with a jab at the Niners
Speaking of AlexSmith...

His OLine sucks
His Recievers suck
Its hard to get used to a coaching staff that is changing with an owner like _____. The new schemes cause so much confusion
The fact that its his "first" year as a starter, there is going to be kinks.

Give him some time. There are glimpses of him being able to do great things. Give him time, and I fully expect that he will become a star in years to come.
...where have I heard this before?

Both guys are talented, especially Russell...but physical tools don't necessarily make you a winner. Realistically, both players have time to make acareer for themselves, but as it stands right now, they're both swimming at the bottom. I hope Russell turns out to be a star. Along with DMC and anothertop 5 pick next season, the Raiders can be a very exciting team.
Let me say this...

"Russell playactions to McFadden..looks left...looks right...




one can dream....
Originally Posted by Burn916

Classic Raiders fan, responding to a thread, started [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]by someone who at least appears to be a Dolphins fan,[/color] with a jab at the Niners
Speaking of Alex Smith...

His OLine sucks
His Recievers suck
Its hard to get used to a coaching staff that is changing with an owner like _____. The new schemes cause so much confusion
The fact that its his "first" year as a starter, there is going to be kinks.

Give him some time. There are glimpses of him being able to do great things. Give him time, and I fully expect that he will become a star in years to come.
...where have I heard this before?

Both guys are talented, especially Russell...but physical tools don't necessarily make you a winner. Realistically, both players have time to make a career for themselves, but as it stands right now, they're both swimming at the bottom. I hope Russell turns out to be a star. Along with DMC and another top 5 pick next season, the Raiders can be a very exciting team.
Lol why would I fake being a Dolphins fan, come on now.
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

Let me say this...

"Russell playactions to McFadden..looks left...looks right...




one can dream....


How are you going to declare someone a bust before they've completed a full season...he hasn't even played 16 games yet, he's been to one trainingcamp etc etc

there aren't a lot of people who are going to succeed in that situation

Our [raider fans] situation is much deeper than Jamarcus..we need to clean house starting with Al Davis, Jamarcus has done nothing to make me loose faith inhim as a professional quarterback
Give the man some more time. Otherwise Drew Brees and Eli Manning would be busts too. I think hes going to be pretty good...when he leaves Oakland
He shows a flash every now and then but he seems to be regressing under Cable.

But anyway he has no WR's and he is in a horse +*%+ organization (even Raider fans will admit that organization is run terribly)

He was probably never going to be the savior of any team but he is not in a good situation to shake the bust label. Watching him play, I kinda feel bad for himbecause you can see the talent. (didnt watch this last game so dont flame)
Fraud & Bust are the two most over used words in the S & T forum, 99% of the time used incorrectly.
jamarcus over this idiot anyday
Same here, the problem with the Raiders is they need to open up that playbook and just let Jamarcus air it out and do what he does best.
Hmm... I ultimately think Jamarcus will be a bust, but it's WAY to early to tell, especially since the only thing around him thats solid is hisrunningback.
Let me say this...

JaMarcus is pretty much in his rookie season...

He has no offensive line
He has no WR's
He has no FB (both done for the season, which is big for the offensive playbook of the Raiders)
Raiders organization is going crazy with the Al and Lane situation

JaMarcus pretty much has every reason in the world to be playing horrible right now, and to be honest with you it's pretty much expected because of thesituation he is in right now...but to be honest with Cable in I think he will progress a little better because I think Lane Kiffin was holding JaMarcus backway to much, once Cable came in, it became more even on the playcalling...

Yesterday was horrible though
I wish Al Davis would have a press confrence about yesterdays game....I just want to see what he says about the stateof the organization.

Our best damn pair of hands on the team is our TE Zach Miller and they double team him sometimes! double team a TE?!

We Raider fans must stick together through these dark days
Being black myself, it's terrible to admit but we don't have the intellect to be quarterbacks in the league.
Being black myself, it's terrible to admit but we don't have the intellect to be quarterbacks in the league.
[table][tr][td]rock4light[/td] [td]
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Posts: 789

11/03/08 1:57 PM
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Being black myself, it's terrible to admit but we don't have the intellect to be quarterbacks in the league.
[/td] [/tr]

Real talk though, QB easily the hardest position to play in football...you are pretty much responsible for everyone on your side of the ball
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Sorry, but Joe Montana couldn't do ###@ with that O-line, those WRs, that coaching staff, and that organization.

I've watched every single pro game he's played.
He has all the talent.
The Arm strength, the accuracy, it's there.

The Raiders coaching staff is way too conservative, plus he has almost NO time when he drops back.

He has no chance.

at "Rust"
What the $+## ?!
Some of y'all are quick to judge this dude and call him a bust, but I think with the right O-Line and coaching he will be something.

Look at this man, he had all he needed to be a great QB in the NFL. He just had a really bad team.

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