January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Dijakovic & ACH if they stick to just ex-ROH guys.

Marginally Hot Wife or Thicc Latina Teddy Ruxpin if they add a female

if Riddle turns heel anytime soon, then maybe him.

EDIT: or Buddy like B Sox B Sox said.

Vanessa Bourne would be a good fit too, but she is saddled with the woman of a thousand gimmicks.

If they want to add some Japanese flavor add Kush as member out the gate.
Also keep in mind they’ll have to update their logo with more letters for any person that’s added
Talked to someone over the weekend that thought they should use Undisputed Era like Bullet Club and make IT an institutional stable in NXT where they swap members in and out. Not sure I agree with IT, but IT isn't a terrible idea.

They could make IT work
D Fly D Fly

Talked to someone over the weekend that thought they should use Undisputed Era like Bullet Club and make IT an institutional stable in NXT where they swap members in and out. Not sure I agree with IT, but IT isn't a terrible idea.

I don’t agree. I think the guys in UE are actually friends, would ruin the chemistry to add a random dude to the mix.
Talked to someone over the weekend that thought they should use Undisputed Era like Bullet Club and make IT an institutional stable in NXT where they swap members in and out. Not sure I agree with IT, but IT isn't a terrible idea.

:smh: Wow. I see we got a new member of the, "Turn WWE into New Japan" crew .

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee , you see this??
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