January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Certainly going to attempt to. Even if I miss the early stuff, I'll be up for the Mains.

What time is the card at again?
55 gallon drum :rofl:

I don’t know how long I’ve been following this chick :lol: :lol:

She was the best part of the segment, that whole last 20 mins was trash

I really enjoyed RAW but that wedding was doodoo. They bring Liv back as a ***** lana lover?!?! Lol WTF!! I feel bad for RURU all this and he didnt even get a crazy pop. He lost the only match with bobby, this fued has gone way too long. It needs to die a quick death.

ayo Meangene45 Meangene45 ,

feds watching :nerd:
That Bobby/Lana was the drizzling ****s, but that was expected.

Some highlights were Bobby looking absolutely confused the entire time.

Liv looking GOODT.

Bobby' ex-wife looking GOODT.

Ruru with the new shirt and the Concords.
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