January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Yeah they did a whole return angle for Holly. He came back and attacked Brock, pissed cause he broke his neck on smackdown :lol:

It was actually a very well built feud, and Holly was getting the biggest reactions of his career, then when the match came, him and Brock were told they had 6 minutes instead of 15, and that is wasn’t going to be a specialty match cause they didn’t want anything taking away from HBK/HHH :rofl: what a way to nuke a pretty hot feud. The match ended up being trash.
#1 Contender Triple Threat/Fatal 4 Ways are always fun
Yea if you are playing No Mercy but the disappearing acts thst wrestlers are mapped out to perform always take me out of those matches .

But then they magically appear when falls are attempted
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