January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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I watched Lacey get in the ring, and saw Dolph beat the crap out of Kofi. How was the other hour and 56 minutes you watched all the way through sitting Indian style?
You missed out on a really fun Andrade/Ali match. Also elite micwork from Scammi.
You missed out on a really fun Andrade/Ali match. Also elite micwork from Scammi.
You really would consider Sami elite on the mic? So he’s in the same category as Rock, Austin, Punk, etc? Can talk you into the building?
24/7 title going to be fantastic for social media.

It really is..I still don't like it, but I can see it turning into something fun..

I almost wish they'd have called it something like the "Social Media Championship"..Only pinfalls that count are ones that are being streamed live or recorded and posted to social media within 1 minute or something crazy like that..
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