January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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This is Rico’s life now? :rofl:

Grand opening
Grand closing
For ricochet as a single competitor..

Ricochet lost to Rob Roode

Black Evan Bourne. It is what it is

Rick O'Shea already buried into the midcard purgatory.

Y'all really think that's what's happening here? Seems to me Vince clearly loves Ricochet, but damn if Roode didn't need a win over someone that pretty much everybody loves to start to reestablish him as a heel. Granted, he never should've been a face to begin with after that monster NXT run, but Vince gon' Vince. If Roode still has ANY chance of resurrecting that, it starts here. Ricochet will be perfectly fine.
You guys have me intrigued over this new Bray gimmick. I can’t even picture it based on all the responses in here.
I feel anger....because they never let Bray do more with the WWE Championship and with this IDK they have to fill 3 hours so...whatever I guess.

Jojo's sugarwalls must be good as hell man

Prolly got Bray's brain all messed up since he agreed to do ...whatever that was.
Y'all really think that's what's happening here? Seems to me Vince clearly loves Ricochet, but damn if Roode didn't need a win over someone that pretty much everybody loves to start to reestablish him as a heel. Granted, he never should've been a face to begin with after that monster NXT run, but Vince gon' Vince. If Roode still has ANY chance of resurrecting that, it starts here. Ricochet will be perfectly fine.

Bingo! This shows needs more heels and Bobby I’m sorry Robert fits that. Especially if we get more of what we had in NXT I’m sure Hunter is pushing that backstage. Ricochet is going to be cheered by Kids like crazy come fall and Xmas time.
Y'all really think that's what's happening here? Seems to me Vince clearly loves Ricochet, but damn if Roode didn't need a win over someone that pretty much everybody loves to start to reestablish him as a heel. Granted, he never should've been a face to begin with after that monster NXT run, but Vince gon' Vince. If Roode still has ANY chance of resurrecting that, it starts here. Ricochet will be perfectly fine.
You know these dudes have to cry and complain about something. Nothing new to see here.
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