Jason Kidd Appreciation Post

Jun 21, 2005
He may not put up the numbers like Nash, Williams, or CP3 but who who else has 3 triples doubles in a row and almost 100 for their career and doing it at a oldage

JKIDD APPRECIATED and In my books still the best PG in the league

still the best PG in the league

I couldn't agree more. Can't wait till he get's his 100th triple double
Waits for SKA...

Jason Kidd, regardless if he kills my team or not, is always appreciated.
Originally Posted by Goodfellaz86


No need for that. I think the majority of us agree that J-Kidd is a special player and nobody can just get triple-doubles with ease like him, especiallyfrom the PG position.
Definitely appreciated! I thought i was the only one that felt that J.Kidd wasthe best pg in the league..

then KIDD can be dethroned as the greastest PG ever
Hold on now...let's not get too ahead of ourselves now. Best in the past 10 years....Yes. Best ever..Nahhh
^^^ It prolly isnt needed but u know theres a few ppl out there that will argue until they die on how great Nash and Cp3 are (not takin anythin away fromthem), but the truth is Nash has only done it in his post Mavericks years and CP3 has done it for 3 yrs when they do it for 10+ like KIDD, then KIDD can bedethroned as the greastest PG ever
The best PG in the post-Magic era....there's that tired cliche where someone says "sees a play before it develops," and it applies PERFECTLY toJason Kidd. He has the 2nd best court vision I have ever seen in a basketball player. Jason Kidd should be given interest on a lot of contracts some of hisex-teammates have received after playing with him. Even in his mid-30's he is STILL one of the top 2 at his position. Unbelievable, and he has plenty ofgas left in the tank. I can see him playing another 3-4 more years, and average close to double digits in points, rebounds, and assists....
He's not the best point guard in the NBA anymore
...and it'd be a lot better if he wasn't such a poor shooter.
we know Nash > Kidd but Kidd is getting Triple-doubles like its nothing... ^^^^^^^

My favorite athlete of all time.

He made me a fan of basketball. I hope when the team moves to BK I have to pleasure of watching him play at the tail end of his HOF career.
Nash is a system PG. Put Kidd in that D 'Antoni offense and he'll be just as effective.

Riiiiiiiiiight. Cause we all know how successful D'Antoni's teams have been in the past.

^the nets went to the finals...

5 years ago.

right now

Nash > Kidd
This dude is all kinds of nice, man. Obviously, I was completely pulling for him to get this triple-double tonight. And this is the first time a player has hadback-to-back-to-back triple-doubles since Grant Hill.

The irony there?

Grant Hill and Jason Kidd were co-Rookies of the Year.
@ both of them back then

@ both of them now (except for the fact that G.Hill is now playing for his firstteam where flopping is actively encouraged, on offense or defense).

How many is this for Kidd? They just showed it on ESPN and I can't remember. 97? And Magic's at... like... 13_? I think that's right. I don'tthink Kidd will pass Magic for second all time, but if Magic does get passed, I wouldn't mind at all if it were for Kidd.

And I'm probably the ONLY guy on NT that would even consider trading Kobe for Kidd.*
I know people say Kidd is old, but I honestly think Kobe will only be in the league 2... MAYBE 3 more years than Kidd. If Kidd only has 3 more left, Isay Kobe has like 5... TOPS.

Just my opinion.

*I said 'consider'. I didn't say I'd do it in a heartbeat; I didn't even say I'd do it. I said I'd consider it, but I'm surenone of you would even consider it.

Well, I know zodogg would.

P.S. Mitch... listen to me, guy... I understand your love for Bynum, and I know you like your job, so you don't want to trade Kobe. Fine. Everyone else isavailable for idd. You listening, ol' man? Everyone. Hell, if the Nets wanted the entire rest of our roster except for Kobe and Bynum... DO IT, MITCH!!!!

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