Jason Kidd Appreciation Post

As a NET fan...................yes I am, I'm actually surprised this thread got this many responses. But he's much appreciated night in and night out.He does more with less, and just watch a full Net game and appreciate how he rebounds, scan, then space floor, create a lane and find a finisher. Too bad thatsometimes the open guy is Twin (ewwww)
Kidd clearly deserves a ring.
Yea...so close.
Its crazy how everyone who is sayin KIDD is the best PG is statin facts and reasons but everyone who is sayin PG A or PG B is better then KIDD has given nological facts besides he has a low shooting pct
Appreciated. The best PG in the NBA today. And I have the pleasure of watching him do his thing across the river.
[quot]You see Nash does something Kidd dosent know how to. Its called winning. [/quote]

...and what has Nash won.

Kidd went to the Finals 2x, Nash has not.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

[quot]You see Nash does something Kidd dosent know how to. Its called winning.

...and what has Nash won.

Kidd went to the Finals 2x, Nash has not.[/quote]

Uhm...thats called coming in second place not winning. Not to mention danm near getting swept both times.
Theres no way that those Nets team makes to the finals ANYTIME in the past 7 years if they are in the western conference.
Originally Posted by TheAndrea3000

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Nash is a system PG. Put Kidd in that D 'Antoni offense and he'll be just as effective.

This is lies.

Nash IS the system.

what's up with Nash in Dallas then...... put a good PG like that in a fast break system and he will flourish..... You're telling me that Kidd (whois stuck in Frank's half court offense) wouldn't do as well? As far as the Stockton argument above, hell, put him in place of Nash on PHX and he'llprobably average 15+ assists.... I'm not taking anything away from Nash, he helps the system, but the system also helps him....
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

This dude is all kinds of nice, man. Obviously, I was completely pulling for him to get this triple-double tonight. And this is the first time a player has had back-to-back-to-back triple-doubles since Grant Hill.

The irony there?

Grant Hill and Jason Kidd were co-Rookies of the Year.
@ both of them back then

@ both of them now (except for the fact that G.Hill is now playing for his first team where flopping is actively encouraged, on offense or defense).

How many is this for Kidd? They just showed it on ESPN and I can't remember. 97? And Magic's at... like... 13_? I think that's right. I don't think Kidd will pass Magic for second all time, but if Magic does get passed, I wouldn't mind at all if it were for Kidd.

And I'm probably the ONLY guy on NT that would even consider trading Kobe for Kidd.*
I know people say Kidd is old, but I honestly think Kobe will only be in the league 2... MAYBE 3 more years than Kidd. If Kidd only has 3 more left, I say Kobe has like 5... TOPS.

Just my opinion.

*I said 'consider'. I didn't say I'd do it in a heartbeat; I didn't even say I'd do it. I said I'd consider it, but I'm sure none of you would even consider it.

Well, I know zodogg would.

P.S. Mitch... listen to me, guy... I understand your love for Bynum, and I know you like your job, so you don't want to trade Kobe. Fine. Everyone else is available for idd. You listening, ol' man? Everyone. Hell, if the Nets wanted the entire rest of our roster except for Kobe and Bynum... DO IT, MITCH!!!!

My dude Ska'. I know were all entitled to our opinions. I respect your opinion. However, dont you think your taking this JKidd appreciation alittle too far?
Uhm...thats called coming in second place not winning.

Well, when it comes to winning & atleast getting to the Finals, Kidd has the upper hand. 2nd place or not, Nash hasn't been in the NBA finals. So asfar as winning wise in their careers, Kidd has been farther than Nash.
Not to mention danm near getting swept both times.

Um. Game 6? Thats "damn near" getting swept?

Theres no way that those Nets team makes to the finals ANYTIME in the past 7 years if they are in the western conference.

What if this, what if that. I don't understand why people bring this into any kind of debate. It holds no purpse at all.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by TheAndrea3000

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Nash is a system PG. Put Kidd in that D 'Antoni offense and he'll be just as effective.

This is lies.

Nash IS the system.

what's up with Nash in Dallas then...... put a good PG like that in a fast break system and he will flourish..... You're telling me that Kidd (who is stuck in Frank's half court offense) wouldn't do as well? As far as the Stockton argument above, hell, put him in place of Nash on PHX and he'll probably average 15+ assists.... I'm not taking anything away from Nash, he helps the system, but the system also helps him....
Pay attention when the suns are on offense the answer will become clear. Dude is simply way more creative than most PG's and I would say Top 5in that department. The only reason the system works so well is because Nash sees the game completely differently than anyone else. The only difference betweennow and then is that in Dallas he was not given full control but in Phoenix he is given the ball and is allowed to do what ever the hell wants. He's notconfined to the parameters of a system he IS the system. John wouldn't average any more than he did in his prime maybe even less. Nash is a late bloomerplaying in the suns mythical "system" doesn't magically make his FG% (a big part in what makes him successful) rise.
Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Uhm...thats called coming in second place not winning.

Well, when it comes to winning & atleast getting to the Finals, Kidd has the upper hand. 2nd place or not, Nash hasn't been in the NBA finals. So as far as winning wise in their careers, Kidd has been farther than Nash.
Not to mention danm near getting swept both times.

Um. Game 6? Thats "damn near" getting swept?

Theres no way that those Nets team makes to the finals ANYTIME in the past 7 years if they are in the western conference.

What if this, what if that. I don't understand why people bring this into any kind of debate. It holds no purpse at all.

Point is that neither of them has won anything....so really this weird new interpretation of winning is irrelevant.
Originally Posted by TheAndrea3000

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by TheAndrea3000

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Nash is a system PG. Put Kidd in that D 'Antoni offense and he'll be just as effective.

This is lies.

Nash IS the system.

what's up with Nash in Dallas then...... put a good PG like that in a fast break system and he will flourish..... You're telling me that Kidd (who is stuck in Frank's half court offense) wouldn't do as well? As far as the Stockton argument above, hell, put him in place of Nash on PHX and he'll probably average 15+ assists.... I'm not taking anything away from Nash, he helps the system, but the system also helps him....
Pay attention when the suns are on offense the answer will become clear. Dude is simply way more creative than most PG's and I would say Top 5 in that department. The only reason the system works so well is because Nash sees the game completely differently than anyone else. The only difference between now and then is that in Dallas he was not given full control but in Phoenix he is given the ball and is allowed to do what ever the hell wants. He's not confined to the parameters of a system he IS the system. John wouldn't average any more than he did in his prime maybe even less. Nash is a late bloomer playing in the suns mythical "system" doesn't magically make his FG% (a big part in what makes him successful) rise.

To be more clear, I agree that Nash is their system now mainly because of the offense as well as the team chemistry and leadership, but if you put Kiddthere, how would he be not as successful. PHX also has excellent spot up shooters and players that fit well together. Kidd was making Mikki Moore look like anall star and is also somewhat confined to a half court game in NJ (particularly the iso plays where VC or RJ start chucking up shot after shot) ... Also Nashis not as good as Kidd is defensively & on the boards.... In my opinion you can't go wrong with either PG leading your team but you make it sound as ifhe's world's better than Kidd.. As for Stockton he did average close to 15 assists per game in his prime
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Nash = Kidd. Neither of them have won anything substantial with their teams. Both of them have glaringweaknesses (defense and shooting respectively). Both have shown to be great on-the-court, off-the-court leaders. If one is better than the other, it's 1Aand 1AA.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by TheAndrea3000

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by TheAndrea3000

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Nash is a system PG. Put Kidd in that D 'Antoni offense and he'll be just as effective.

This is lies.

Nash IS the system.

what's up with Nash in Dallas then...... put a good PG like that in a fast break system and he will flourish..... You're telling me that Kidd (who is stuck in Frank's half court offense) wouldn't do as well? As far as the Stockton argument above, hell, put him in place of Nash on PHX and he'll probably average 15+ assists.... I'm not taking anything away from Nash, he helps the system, but the system also helps him....
Pay attention when the suns are on offense the answer will become clear. Dude is simply way more creative than most PG's and I would say Top 5 in that department. The only reason the system works so well is because Nash sees the game completely differently than anyone else. The only difference between now and then is that in Dallas he was not given full control but in Phoenix he is given the ball and is allowed to do what ever the hell wants. He's not confined to the parameters of a system he IS the system. John wouldn't average any more than he did in his prime maybe even less. Nash is a late bloomer playing in the suns mythical "system" doesn't magically make his FG% (a big part in what makes him successful) rise.

To be more clear, I agree that Nash is their system now mainly because of the offense as well as the team chemistry and leadership, but if you put Kidd there, how would he be not as successful. PHX also has excellent spot up shooters and players that fit well together. Kidd was making Mikki Moore look like an all star and is also somewhat confined to a half court game in NJ (particularly the iso plays where VC or RJ start chucking up shot after shot) ... Also Nash is not as good as Kidd is defensively & on the boards.... In my opinion you can't go wrong with either PG leading your team but you make it sound as if he's world's better than Kidd.. As for Stockton he did average close to 15 assists per game in his prime

No, No, He's not worlds better but I really don't think he would be as successful.
Originally Posted by gko2408

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Nash = Kidd. Neither of them have won anything substantial with their teams. Both of them have glaring weaknesses (defense and shooting respectively). Both have shown to be great on-the-court, off-the-court leaders. If one is better than the other, it's 1A and 1AA.

I think you might be right.
he's appreciated, but not the best in the league. He can't shoot with any consistency. And also, yea he took teams to the finals, but in the easternconference 5 years ago. And trading kidd for Kobe...are u serious?
^ Not just 'took his team to the Finals', but back-to-back Finals.
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