JaWalrus russell...*stoneface*

  But that !!!%* jewelry is on point tho
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

You'd be surprised how wack his car game is though.

He could have any car he wanted... He seems to care more his ice.
So if He goes broke one day, does He automatically go to #1 on the "all time money blower" list?
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

just because he's a bust, he can't be iced out?

dude worked hard to make it to the NFL, i just dont think he wants to stay too long..

Yep, I hope he doesnt blow it all. The NFL needs to rework the rookie scale but I'm not any more mad at JaMarcus for being stupid then I am with these other stupid clebrities who get paid for pretty much doing nothing.( Jersey Shore,The Hills, The Gosselins,Kim Kardishan etc)
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Isn't that Kevin Harlan? What are you guys talking about, Marv Albert?

Russell is a scrub. MORE proof that the rookie contract situation needs to be taken care of ASAP.
Dude just making himself a target, another reason why the owners want to give less money to these bust....he will be broke 5 years after his career ends.
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