Jay Electronica Appreciation

What does Jay electronica perform at new shows is it still exhibit stuff or is it new material or is it rapping others rappers songs like the Dallas show a while back...
What'd u guys think of the the other unreleased beats? (Jayz , jeezy,slaughterhouse) that blaze played?
Y'all gotta stop with this bs
Stop bumping this thread until an album drops
Y'all stay giving my hopes up
When I see it at the top of the page I can't help but enter
Only to :smh:
I went to the Chicago show last night and always **** with him album or not. This was the best show I've attended. He started off with Exhibit A and did another song and then he came into the crowd. Like dude above me said he's a Master at Crowd Control. Then after that he let people on stage with him, I've never been to show were the artist lets you on the stage while performing. After that he then let a couple dudes freestyle on the mic which is unheard of. Then he went back in the crowd to perform another song which I never heard of. He actually perform a couple songs I haven't heard which is crazy because I thought I knew every song. Anyways he gets back on Stage and performs We Made It and closes off with "Exhibit C" All in all he had like a 45 minute set or so. Then to close the night he takes pictures with everyone that wanted one. Jay's really like one of the most humblest dudes you'll ever meet and I would definitely go to show again, much respect to him. A album from him would just be a bonus. I just wish he did "Dear Moleskine"
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Snippet of Doom x Jay Electonica
Snippet is from MF Doom performance at SXSW.

Posted on Dooms fb.
I recorded this video from a show he did with Joell Ortiz in 2010 (the same show KRIT got booed at)

Let me tell you bout this super fly dirty dirty *Booooooooooooooo*

I remember the interview where krit said that boo hurt him deep **** was sad
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But Jay real as **** for getting in the trenches with the fans and performing classics dope vid bro
Damn why they boo KRIT tho?
KRIT was brought out as a special guest. He wasn't even on the bill. From the beginning of the show, people just wanted to see Joell and Jay. The crowd also booed STS and CyHi Da Prynce (this was before he got involved with Kanye). KRIT comes out, and this is before he really popped off, and starts playing "Country ****" to a drunk crowd that were hollering "Yaowa" the whole night (Joell's catchphrase). That was like adding kerosene to a fire. I also recorded the KRIT booing video (I didn't boo though).

KRIT ended up using my footage for a short documentary promoting "Live From The Underground". They gave me credit in the video.


After that ****, KRIT's name got some respek on it and people accepted him here in NYC. Now, whenever he comes to NYC, he'll usually do a show at Highline and he always sells out the venue. 
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