Jay-Z, Gay Marriage: Obama's New Stance Is 'The Right Thing To Do' (VIDEO)

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Jesus, so much ignorance in this post...
Just an example...

Yes, because as we all know, once you allow gay marriage everyone will all of a sudden drop their current sexual orientations.  It will be like the rapture only instead of everyone disappearing, they will know listen solely to The Petshop Boys and The Indigo Girls.  Guys will no longer be trolling for vagina.  Everyone you know will now be gay because gay marriage is allowed.  Those who crave parenthood inside of a marriage will now crave penis inside of their rectum.  This makes total sense.

I have read a lot of stupid things on NT, but this is up there with the best.


You missed the point. Its not about a gene pool its about why it needs to be accepted or recognized by the government. Like what purpose does a gay marriage serve to society?? There is absolutely nothing productive about a gay marriage.The government needs people to exist, needs people to provide labor and needs people to make people so this can continue. Like why do you think marriages even exist in the 1st place???? For moral reasons???? The government acknowledges a marriage because it wants to make people happy and recognize their union? ...Ok
Again, every married couple that decides not to have children makes your argument invalid. Also, you don't have to be married to have children. Marriage's purpose isn't to serve society.  Have you ever listened to a couple recite their vows?  I've never heard anyone say I, Debra, take you Glen, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, and to serve society and to provide labor; from this day forward until death do us part.

You don't need to search anywhere other than their vows to find what marriage is about.

Again you talking about exceptions. You don't make rules for exceptions. Thats the whole point of rules.  MOST ppl that get married make families. Those who can get married and chose not to have kids are not the majority sorry. They can receive some of the benefits because they exist amongst rules that were set for the MAJORITY of ppl. The rules weren't made for them.

I'm not aginst gay marriage if it matters. I just dont understand why its looked at as a discrimination issue. Take the emotions out of it. It just does not make sense to legalize it. What is one thing that a gay marriage can do for people as a whole? Your naive  if you think the the government recognize marriage cause of whats exchanged in vows
Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

 again...you are really not allowed to comment on anything outside of your building.  You are like 30 and have never ventured more than a 3 block radius from your piss smelling hallways.  This is the same dude who denies being black and will call himself Dominican and argue Spanish roots, but now you want to be the voice of black people.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Hip hop is being used? I thought social activism was hip hop in its very essence.

Social activism at its very essence is marching, boycotting, voting, etc...
...hip hop is social awareness.

Hip hop can be used as a tool to make society aware of issues that would usually fall to the back burner, or be overlooked in their entirety...

...in this immediate scenario, hip hop appears to be being used a tool to swing the young and popular demographic back in line with the "progressive" agenda that the demographic may have been deterred from if their parents strongly dissented with Obama's recent stance.

Awareness is the only way activism can even happen so they are one and the same. Let's not veer into semantics.

What is your evidence of this agenda? Two black men who happen to be rappers speaking their minds after the most prominet black men in this country spoke his? Who spoke their minds on probably the most talked about subject of the past week? How low you must think of them and hip hop in general to think this could only occur through manipulation.
Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by YG716


You missed the point. Its not about a gene pool its about why it needs to be accepted or recognized by the government. Like what purpose does a gay marriage serve to society?? There is absolutely nothing productive about a gay marriage.The government needs people to exist, needs people to provide labor and needs people to make people so this can continue. Like why do you think marriages even exist in the 1st place???? For moral reasons???? The government acknowledges a marriage because it wants to make people happy and recognize their union? ...Ok
Again, every married couple that decides not to have children makes your argument invalid. Also, you don't have to be married to have children. Marriage's purpose isn't to serve society.  Have you ever listened to a couple recite their vows?  I've never heard anyone say I, Debra, take you Glen, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, and to serve society and to provide labor; from this day forward until death do us part.

You don't need to search anywhere other than their vows to find what marriage is about.
I'm not aginst gay marriage if it matters. I just dont understand why its looked at as a discrimination issue. Take the emotions out of it. It just does not make sense to legalize it. What is one thing that a gay marriage can do for people as a whole? Your naive  if you think the the government recognize marriage cause of whats exchanged in vows
It's discrimination because heterosexual couples have the right to get married.  To many, marriage is the ultimate expression of their love.  That's why civil unions are unacceptable. Have you ever talked to a married gay couple?  They can tell a difference.  It's the recognition that their love is the same as everyone else's love. It's their love validated and not asterisked.  It's a love without caveats.  It's a love that is every bit as special as your love...and they get to to proclaim it in front of their friends, family and world!  How is my ability to marry someone tomorrow, that I met today, somehow more acceptable than a relationship that has taken every step EXCEPT for marriage?  Doesn't that sound $@#$*+ up to you? 

You asked what can gay marriage do for people as a whole, what does ANY marriage do for people as a whole?  I don't reap any benefits from other couples getting married.
Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

 again...you are really not allowed to comment on anything outside of your building.  You are like 30 and have never ventured more than a 3 block radius from your piss smelling hallways.  This is the same dude who denies being black and will call himself Dominican and argue Spanish roots, but now you want to be the voice of black people.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

Let's be real, Romney isn't going for the black vote because they know they ain't getting it anyway, I have a hard time believing Obama didn't do this as a political move though, the timing is too coincidental. Ive already stated my opinion numerous times on here. I fail to see the discrimination, and the last thing we need is another amendment with our government having more power, but go ahead and let them gays cook. I ain't eem mad
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Again, every married couple that decides not to have children makes your argument invalid. Also, you don't have to be married to have children. Marriage's purpose isn't to serve society.  Have you ever listened to a couple recite their vows?  I've never heard anyone say I, Debra, take you Glen, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, and to serve society and to provide labor; from this day forward until death do us part.

You don't need to search anywhere other than their vows to find what marriage is about.
I'm not aginst gay marriage if it matters. I just dont understand why its looked at as a discrimination issue. Take the emotions out of it. It just does not make sense to legalize it. What is one thing that a gay marriage can do for people as a whole? Your naive  if you think the the government recognize marriage cause of whats exchanged in vows
It's discrimination because heterosexual couples have the right to get married.  To many, marriage is the ultimate expression of their love.  That's why civil unions are unacceptable. Have you ever talked to a married gay couple?  They can tell a difference.  It's the recognition that their love is the same as everyone else's love. It's their love validated and not asterisked.  It's a love without caveats.  It's a love that is every bit as special as your love...and they get to to proclaim it in front of their friends, family and world!  How is my ability to marry someone tomorrow, that I met today, somehow more acceptable than a relationship that has taken every step EXCEPT for marriage?  Doesn't that sound $@#$*+ up to you? 

You asked what can gay marriage do for people as a whole, what does ANY marriage do for people as a whole?  I don't reap any benefits from other couples getting married.
Agree to disagree. You want to get your emotions involved. Love this love that proclaim it to the world etc. You are an individual amongst a community. You, YES YOU, are part of society. Heterosexual unions have something to offer society therefore YOU benefit. Gay marriage is an issue because of benefits. People want to call it a discrimination b/c they feel they being oppressed of their rights to form in a union and receive the same benefits as heterosexuals married couples. Ima ask you this and you give me an answer that isn't emotionally driven...

Poitics by definition is popular decision. What can a minority  group (as you stated) that must be looking to serve themselves (by having a recognition that their love is the same as everyone else love (as you stated)) and whose union offers society nothing, cry discrimination because the government won't make a rule for them?

I already explained those who get married and don't have kids get benefits because the exist amongst rules set for a majority. Gays are a minority looking to get rules. And that are made for them for no other reason that they feel the need to be recognized by the same as heterosexuals and receive the same benefits when they cant offer the same things heterosexuals can (members of society). Is a gay couple going to be able to make school teacher, cops, firemen, politicians, etc etc are gay couples capable of making a person that can be a productive member to society like heterosexuals couples can?? Why do gay couples feel the need to demand the same benefits as heterosexuals then?

Like honestly give me a reason that isnt emotionally based. Facts. I not trying to hurt your feelings if your gay. Do you. Im just trying to understand reasonably.
Wait, so you are saying that the reason homosexuals can't marry is because they can't reproduce? That's what you are basing this on? That's your lone reason as to why gays can't marry; they don't produce more people? Gays aren't being denied marriage because of their lack of ability to reproduce. It's funny that you mention that actually, I know three gay couples that have reproduced, one of which I was the donor for. He, Dylan, turned one on Mother's Day. So yes, I know three gay couples that are raising potential school teachers, cops, firemen, or politicians. Again, just because it doesn't happen in the same fashion as the norm, doesn't mean that they can't do it. Homosexuals aren't being discriminated because of their lack of 'giving back.' I've never even heard ANYONE use that explanation.

I'm not gay, but one doesn't need to be part of the discriminated party to want equality. Gays aren't looking to 'get rules.' They are looking to be accepted as equals.

"People want to call it a discrimination b/c they feel they being oppressed of their rights to form in a union and receive the same benefits as heterosexuals married couples."

You mean the same benefits like being able to visit your loved one in the hospital or the ability to adopt? But gays aren't looking for just benefits, they are looking to be recognized as equals. You may say that's an emotional answer, but it is the one you will encounter the most.

I've come to the conclusion that the same people who are so ardent in denying gays their rights, are the same prick kids in the Trix commercials who kept telling the Rabbit 'Trix are for kids' now grown up....or as grown up as their beliefs indicate.
Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by YG716

I'm not aginst gay marriage if it matters. I just dont understand why its looked at as a discrimination issue. Take the emotions out of it. It just does not make sense to legalize it. What is one thing that a gay marriage can do for people as a whole? Your naive  if you think the the government recognize marriage cause of whats exchanged in vows
It's discrimination because heterosexual couples have the right to get married.  To many, marriage is the ultimate expression of their love.  That's why civil unions are unacceptable. Have you ever talked to a married gay couple?  They can tell a difference.  It's the recognition that their love is the same as everyone else's love. It's their love validated and not asterisked.  It's a love without caveats.  It's a love that is every bit as special as your love...and they get to to proclaim it in front of their friends, family and world!  How is my ability to marry someone tomorrow, that I met today, somehow more acceptable than a relationship that has taken every step EXCEPT for marriage?  Doesn't that sound $@#$*+ up to you? 

You asked what can gay marriage do for people as a whole, what does ANY marriage do for people as a whole?  I don't reap any benefits from other couples getting married.
Agree to disagree. You want to get your emotions involved. Love this love that proclaim it to the world etc. You are an individual amongst a community. You, YES YOU, are part of society. Heterosexual unions have something to offer society therefore YOU benefit. Gay marriage is an issue because of benefits. People want to call it a discrimination b/c they feel they being oppressed of their rights to form in a union and receive the same benefits as heterosexuals married couples. Ima ask you this and you give me an answer that isn't emotionally driven...

Poitics by definition is popular decision. What can a minority  group (as you stated) that must be looking to serve themselves (by having a recognition that their love is the same as everyone else love (as you stated)) and whose union offers society nothing, cry discrimination because the government won't make a rule for them?

I already explained those who get married and don't have kids get benefits because the exist amongst rules set for a majority. Gays are a minority looking to get rules. And that are made for them for no other reason that they feel the need to be recognized by the same as heterosexuals and receive the same benefits when they cant offer the same things heterosexuals can (members of society). Is a gay couple going to be able to make school teacher, cops, firemen, politicians, etc etc are gay couples capable of making a person that can be a productive member to society like heterosexuals couples can?? Why do gay couples feel the need to demand the same benefits as heterosexuals then?

Like honestly give me a reason that isnt emotionally based. Facts. I not trying to hurt your feelings if your gay. Do you. Im just trying to understand reasonably.
Read this statement again.

How is it not discrimination (legally defined)?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.

  And you are underestimating how opposed to voting for Romney the black community is....

Exactly.  He'll be the only person in his neighborhood voting for Romney if he even votes at all. 
Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

 again...you are really not allowed to comment on anything outside of your building.  You are like 30 and have never ventured more than a 3 block radius from your piss smelling hallways.  This is the same dude who denies being black and will call himself Dominican and argue Spanish roots, but now you want to be the voice of black people.

Da fact that u got everything wrong here makes u look clownish.Its WELL known da black community in california was instrumental in their ban on gay marriage.Next time u TRY clown, get ur facts straight palomaso.
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Stopped reading after that.
I'm tired of people trying to say they're equal.

But hes right. 

I'm sure he knows that the struggles leading up to the civil rights action taken in both situations are very different.  But in the end they are 2 groups that were/are denied civil liberties and are working to become equal on a human level.
no hes not right. being discriminated because your black is a racial issue. gay people are not a race they are a group who chooses how to live their life. black people did not choose to be black and asian people do not choose to be asian and mexicans do not choose to be mexican. its a totally different thing. 
I HATE this argument. Do you really think that kids getting beaten up, called names daily because they are gay are choosing to be gay? Do you not think if they could just be straight and not be subject to abuse that they would?
When I was growing up, I didn't sit down one day and think "right what should I be? Gay or straight". I was attracted to the opposite sex, not the same sex. It is just the same for people who are gay. It's not a choice, it's who you are. 
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Why couldn't they take their civil unions and be done with this issue years ago?
What's with the relentless efforts to call it a "marriage?"

It's not a marriage, and I don't support anything or anybody calling it such...

...no one's against their equality, but I'll always be against calling that union a "marriage."

So? Who cares what you're against. It's not about you.
In less than 10-15 years it will be considered a marriage in all the states. What are you doing to do? Move to another country because of something that doesn't even effect you?
ILL LEGAL should move to Uganda. His views would fit in nicely. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......
We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.
so Ninjahood is Black when it's convenient to the black NTers?
but their sole argument in him being "black" is that he's black when it's convenient to him?


good thing there are enough black NTers to run around and cosign each other for pages rather than thinking for themselves 
This is what I say to the mostconservative person that's so terrified of gay marriage becoming legal.Just because the state says it's legal, it's not like God's going tolet them into Heaven. So you can still sleep sound every night knowingthat goal line defense is up at the pearly gates.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.

  And you are underestimating how opposed to voting for Romney the black community is....

Exactly.  He'll be the only person in his neighborhood voting for Romney if he even votes at all. 

Technically mitt plays on my team (he's mexican)And it doesnt take a genius to see that da blacks in da religious segment arent gonna rock with thisEven though u got that shaky cat down in atlanta...
Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

This is what I say to the mostconservative person that's so terrified of gay marriage becoming legal.Just because the state says it's legal, it's not like God's going tolet them into Heaven. So you can still sleep sound every night knowingthat goal line defense is up at the pearly gates.

Sleep tight knowing you live in a fairy tale world.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by 36 OUNCES

This is what I say to the mostconservative person that's so terrified of gay marriage becoming legal.Just because the state says it's legal, it's not like God's going tolet them into Heaven. So you can still sleep sound every night knowingthat goal line defense is up at the pearly gates.
Sleep tight knowing you live in a fairy tale world.

The simpleminded god agenda. Yay.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......
We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.
so Ninjahood is Black when it's convenient to the black NTers?
but their sole argument in him being "black" is that he's black when it's convenient to him?


good thing there are enough black NTers to run around and cosign each other for pages rather than thinking for themselves 
ninjahood has repeatedly said he isn't black and has denounced his black heritage a long time ago.  With that in mind and his new found love of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party I wouldn't be surprised if ninjahood was currently on that Sammy Sosa skin care treatment, just to lighten things up so to speak. 

And it doesnt take a genius to see that da blacks in da religious segment arent gonna rock with this Even though u got that shaky cat down in atlanta...

While it's true that a large majority of blacks in the religious segment doesn't rock with gay marriage as you stated, at the end of the day black folks are still going to support Obama and have nothing to do with Mitt Romney.  The only so called black people that will be voting for Mitt Romney are the Joe Oliver's of the community, and those individuals left from us a long time ago.   

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Deuce King

We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.
so Ninjahood is Black when it's convenient to the black NTers?
but their sole argument in him being "black" is that he's black when it's convenient to him?


good thing there are enough black NTers to run around and cosign each other for pages rather than thinking for themselves 
ninjahood has repeatedly said he isn't black and has denounced his black heritage a long time ago.  With that in mind and his new found love of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party I wouldn't be surprised if ninjahood was currently on that Sammy Sosa skin care treatment, just to lighten things up so to speak. 
it's good and funny to find the "hypocrisy" in Ninjahood's stance, but nobody ever finds humor in the hypocrisy of the other side of the argument.
well I do 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......
We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.
so Ninjahood is Black when it's convenient to the black NTers?
but their sole argument in him being "black" is that he's black when it's convenient to him?


good thing there are enough black NTers to run around and cosign each other for pages rather than thinking for themselves 

See thunder, you bout to make this into a whole nother thread... -_-That troll feedin bout to get a bunch of these idiots poppin they mouthU take cuts in my hood, u know da demographic..cut it da *%$* out...we know they wrong, ignore em.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama and da left are under estimating how opposed da black community is on gay marriage......

 again...you are really not allowed to comment on anything outside of your building.  You are like 30 and have never ventured more than a 3 block radius from your piss smelling hallways.  This is the same dude who denies being black and will call himself Dominican and argue Spanish roots, but now you want to be the voice of black people.

Da fact that u got everything wrong here makes u look clownish.Its WELL known da black community in california was instrumental in their ban on gay marriage.Next time u TRY clown, get ur facts straight palomaso.
Nothing you just said has anything to do with what I said addressing YOU and YOUR poorly constructed opinion... You realize how I wasn't the only person to quote you and comment, no?  I just happened to dumb it down for YOU and make it relevant to YOU...but clearly even that was too much for you to comprehend.  And here you go talking about California when the furthest you've been from your apartment is the fire escape. 
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