Jay-Z, Gay Marriage: Obama's New Stance Is 'The Right Thing To Do' (VIDEO)

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Deuce King

This goes right to the point that cartune made earlier.  Alot of these so called "social activists" are FRAUDS deep down and are only speaking on this matter from an individual standpoint, meaning they don't truly care about discrimination across the boards but only as it pertains to them.  Talking about "civil rights this" and "civil rights that" knowing dam well you don't/wouldn't care about civil rights if a person that didn't look like you or live in your area were affected by this. 
This is utter B.S.  How can you assume that someone's intentions are only based on what affects them? That's ridiculously cynical.  I am not a woman, but I fight for women's rights, equal pay and to be seen as equals.  I am not gay, but I want to have them seen as equals.  I am not religious, but I don't believe in persecuting someone for their religious affiliation.

lobotomybeats wrote:
Sleep tight knowing you live in a fairy tale world.


That's me persecuting him for his religious beliefs? A joke?
Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

oh okay.  Again, you can't pick and choose when you want to be 'black.'  It doesn't work that way amigo. 

Yea, so quote me where i said i represent da monolithic populationKnown as "black people" im waiting....
The point that I and others are making is that you can't pick and choose when to take an autoritative stance on the 'black community' while openly denying being black.  How does that not make sense to you?  I respect your right to any opinion you choose to have, but don't come in here acting like you are the 'black voice' that speaks for and represents 'us' all when you don;t even claim 'us.'  Are you dense?  

How about it doesnt take a rocket scientist to read polls & see a overwhelming number ofBlack people voted against gay marriage in California. It wouldn't of mattered if my skin was green & i cameFrom outta space, facts remain da same...are U that dense that da fact im hispanic tellin u this is irrelevant to da mainPoint made? Go pick ur self up now since apparently jumpin out windows is a side hobby for you
Good. Everyone needs equal rights. Earlier someone said Jay used the derogatory word for homosexuals like it was extra prevalent in his lyrics. I can only think of one instance he used it. Someone post them up. +with that said,I have used the word in my life and support LGBT folks 100%+ so doesn't make it anymore less genuine in my eyes+
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

First Huey P. Newton, now Jay-Z

All your heroes are going to the dark side

Reading this hurt at least a couple NTers feelings

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I really don't care anymore about any opinion of anyone. However, I wish they would stop comparing it the racial discrimination of blacks. IT IS NOT THE SAME! People are born black, whether they like it or not. People are not born homosexual, it is a choice.
Stop with the self-hate, man.

What??? I'm talking bout fools like MJ that go bleaching their skin or just outright trying to avoid relationships with other blacks

James Brown Nucca I'm black and I'm proud
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I really don't care anymore about any opinion of anyone. However, I wish they would stop comparing it the racial discrimination of blacks. IT IS NOT THE SAME! People are born black, whether they like it or not. People are not born homosexual, it is a choice.

people like you who just choose to be ignorant really are the worst kind of person.
It's not a choice to be ignorant!  He was born and raised that way.

No actually I was born and raised to have my own opinion. (and Scabs you don't know $#^&* about me to speak on my upbringing) Both of yall can go marry your guy if you want, I don't care. However, I have a right to my opinion. And to go on with what was posted regarding the distribution of DNA from parents passed on to a child...that person can still choose to be with someone of the opposite sex. There are alot of people out here posing and acting homosexual as part of a fad. As the great mind Kanye stated "if they don't use the strap-on they not !*%#, THEY NOT ABOUT THAT LIFE"

Funny how those that oppose your ideals are bigots and ignorant haters and whatnot. I hope I never become as "enlightened" as you chumps.

Oh and I could care less what your opinion of me is, it's incomplete because you're looking at one statement on one issue.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by NaturalyLight

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Yea, so quote me where i said i represent da monolithic populationKnown as "black people" im waiting....
The point that I and others are making is that you can't pick and choose when to take an autoritative stance on the 'black community' while openly denying being black.  How does that not make sense to you?  I respect your right to any opinion you choose to have, but don't come in here acting like you are the 'black voice' that speaks for and represents 'us' all when you don;t even claim 'us.'  Are you dense?  

How about it doesnt take a rocket scientist to read polls & see a overwhelming number ofBlack people voted against gay marriage in California. It wouldn't of mattered if my skin was green & i cameFrom outta space, facts remain da same...are U that dense that da fact im hispanic tellin u this is irrelevant to da mainPoint made? Go pick ur self up now since apparently jumpin out windows is a side hobby for you
wut wuz da mane point made? b/c from what eye c u hopped on da race bandwagon from jump bro 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Good to know how Manny Pacquaio feels about this: http://blogs.laweekly.com...ao_gays_put_to_death.php

So he must turn away any of that money he gets from gay boxing fans.....smh


Manny is my dude and all but what a foolish statement.  He should have just gone the Jay-Z way or not comment.  Dude is a public figure so just say all the right things to sell PPVs.  

He was also suppose to do an interview at the Grove today for Extra but now is barred from there due to these comments.  Gays will be protesting at the Wildcard gym, sponsors will be dropping him, etc.. etc..  I have learned from the 08 election especially living here in LA, that if you voice your opinion, contribute to the anti-gay movement, these gay folks will bash you, your business, and your family relentlessly. These LGBT groups are notorious!  

If that's how he feels, why should he have kept his mouth shut?

Why should he have "gone the Jay-Z way" or not comment? You're suggesting that he should have been a media puppet and give the scripted response, or keep his mouth shut and not speak his opinion - either way, that's no good...

...another boxer spoke his mind, put his money where his mouth was, and went to jail for it.

They call him "The Greatest", but in 2012 speaking your mind gets you shunned? 

"Progression" huh?

And I don't know if you meant it like that, but with the rest of your reply you really just made LBGT groups appear to be a bunch of "open-minded" bullies...
lol @ people caring what Jay Z thinks about gay marriage. Does anyone care what MLK would think of gay marriage? Apparently not.
The black church is one of the main sources of this homophobic attitude within the black community. Its just something that black people have learned to hate, as little sense as it makes.
This seems relevant:

GRANTLAND.com:Hollywood Prospectus
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Jay-Z, Denzel, Peyton, and the Gay-Marriage Issue

By Rembert Browne


“I’ve always thought of it as something that's still holding the country back. You know, what people do in their own homes is their business and you can choose to love whoever you love. That’s their business. It’s no different than discriminating against blacks. It’s discrimination plain and simple."

"I think it's the right thing to do, so whether it costs him [Barack Obama] votes or not — again, it’s not about votes. It’s about people. So whether it costs him votes or not, I think it’s the right thing to do as a human being.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Good to know how Manny Pacquaio feels about this: http://blogs.laweekly.com...ao_gays_put_to_death.php

So he must turn away any of that money he gets from gay boxing fans.....smh


Manny is my dude and all but what a foolish statement.  He should have just gone the Jay-Z way or not comment.  Dude is a public figure so just say all the right things to sell PPVs.  

He was also suppose to do an interview at the Grove today for Extra but now is barred from there due to these comments.  Gays will be protesting at the Wildcard gym, sponsors will be dropping him, etc.. etc..  I have learned from the 08 election especially living here in LA, that if you voice your opinion, contribute to the anti-gay movement, these gay folks will bash you, your business, and your family relentlessly. These LGBT groups are notorious!  

If that's how he feels, why should he have kept his mouth shut?

Why should he have "gone the Jay-Z way" or not comment? You're suggesting that he should have been a media puppet and give the scripted response, or keep his mouth shut and not speak his opinion - either way, that's no good...

...another boxer spoke his mind, put his money where his mouth was, and went to jail for it.

They call him "The Greatest", but in 2012 speaking your mind gets you shunned? 

"Progression" huh?

And I don't know if you meant it like that, but with the rest of your reply you really just made LBGT groups appear to be a bunch of "open-minded" bullies...
Why? Did you not read what I wrote,  you quoted me for crying out loud. 
  Yes, to reiterate, in 2012, with the 24 hour news media, if you're a public figure and you don't say the political correct things, you get shunned!  What part of that don't you get?
Plus I just read it was all taken out of context however the damage has already been done. 

While undoubtedly Obama decided to stake out his position on gay marriage in a way to claim some ground that the republicans will lose on and avoid discussion of the economy, it's an incredibly smart strategy. Im retrospect it will place Obama on the right side on history, and that's a way to view Jay-Z's public support Obama's statement. Like it or not Jay-Z is thee representative of black and hip hop culture in the media so it's undoubtedly important. He's also absolutely correct to draw comparisons to the civil rights movement as both movements invoke equal rights and protections under the Fourteenth Amendment. Believe it or not, within fifteen years people will look back on gay marriage as a non-issue.

Also, the rampant misogyny on this message board saddens me to no end and is why I don't come back here. In saying that Jay-Z is trying to "effeminate black culture" you are accepting the social constructions that are gender, sexuality, and race in the same breath. The more you try to separate and reinforce one you reinforce all others. That's akin to saying it is offensive to be a woman, that there is one kind of woman, that there is one black culture shared by everyone, that race is real and that racism like any other bigoted view some how has some bearing.

Reject all constructions and make yourself free. Why are you letting yourselves be divided and conquered?
you don't like gay marriage? don't get gay married. 

Lastly, the civil rights movements fought against anti-miscegenation laws that prohibited interracial marriage that is also a choice, as well as gay marriage. However, no one has any bones to pick with that battle where similarly people fought for the right for the choice of two free, tax paying, consenting individuals to marry just like in gay marriage. This outrage all sounds to me this desire for those in black society to stake out some kind of non-existant superiority by marginalizing another group of people.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Wait, so you are saying that the reason homosexuals can't marry is because they can't reproduce? That's what you are basing this on? That's your lone reason as to why gays can't marry; they don't produce more people? Gays aren't being denied marriage because of their lack of ability to reproduce. It's funny that you mention that actually, I know three gay couples that have reproduced, one of which I was the donor for. He, Dylan, turned one on Mother's Day. So yes, I know three gay couples that are raising potential school teachers, cops, firemen, or politicians. Again, just because it doesn't happen in the same fashion as the norm, doesn't mean that they can't do it. Homosexuals aren't being discriminated because of their lack of 'giving back.' I've never even heard ANYONE use that explanation.

I'm not gay, but one doesn't need to be part of the discriminated party to want equality. Gays aren't looking to 'get rules.' They are looking to be accepted as equals.

"People want to call it a discrimination b/c they feel they being oppressed of their rights to form in a union and receive the same benefits as heterosexuals married couples."

You mean the same benefits like being able to visit your loved one in the hospital or the ability to adopt? But gays aren't looking for just benefits, they are looking to be recognized as equals. You may say that's an emotional answer, but it is the one you will encounter the most.

I've come to the conclusion that the same people who are so ardent in denying gays their rights, are the same prick kids in the Trix commercials who kept telling the Rabbit 'Trix are for kids' now grown up....or as grown up as their beliefs indicate.
To discuss anything about gay marriage we need to 1st get one thing understood otherwise you will continue to take cheap shots at people trying to have an honest conversation about the topic.

 Please explain any fact based reason the government gives benefits to married couples? (Surely you can't honestly believe its because love is just such a beautiful thing. That's emotions talking) Once you figured that out see if you can apply it to gay marriages....

 Because your friends/family/blog/ and news channel don't discuss the topic as I addressed it, its not a reasonable argument? Because Im not taking a stand on a point you have heard before I got to be ignorant and one of the most stupid people you know?.... Ok. If thats how you feel. I have backed up my argument with facts and pure logic. Examine the details not what somebody hand fed you.

 You talking about you donated an egg and gay couples can adopt and raise kids but you missing the biggest part of the picture. How are you alive today to donate an egg? How did the scientist who invented the procedure to do so even exist in the 1st place? 2 heterosexual beings came together and put you and that person here. Thats how society goes on. Heterosexuals provide it not gay couples. When a genetically engineered child makes another genetically engineered child  at an affordable price for everyone then gay couples can demand to have equals right as married couples because at that point gay couples can offer the same things as heterosexuals.

There is no injustice here. This is no discrimination. It serves no purpose for the government to legalize gay marriage.
so what about all of the people born out of wedlock? 
we need to get their parents married ASAP

also, what about married people who are infertile?

let's nullify the marriages of people without children, also let's demand people applying for marriage certificates for fertility tests. 

you're clearly on to something.

marriage is about class, you're buying into some conservative rhetoric to rationalize bigotry. if you look historically as well as currently marriage is a middle and upperclass luxury. in denying people, any people who want to get married  the right to you are delineating their marginalized status no matter how much money or markers of conventional success they have. its about protecting a certain kind of privilege that is slowly being eroded.
this is what I love about celebrites coming out of thier faces on social issues, from now on I can ignore this fool even more for supporting this travesty.
Originally Posted by culturecarnage

so what about all of the people born out of wedlock? 
we need to get their parents married ASAP

also, what about married people who are infertile?

let's nullify the marriages of people without children, also let's demand people applying for marriage certificates for fertility tests. 

you're clearly on to something.

marriage is about class, you're buying into some conservative rhetoric to rationalize bigotry. if you look historically as well as currently marriage is a middle and upperclass luxury. in denying people, any people who want to get married  the right to you are delineating their marginalized status no matter how much money or markers of conventional success they have. its about protecting a certain kind of privilege that is slowly being eroded.
Before you decide to be so sarcastic....

Read the entire thread before you decide to comment. Or at least go back a few pages.
   I have addressed the questions you asking.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Deuce King

We'll let you know if and when you can comment on issues regarding our (the black) community.  Till then champ, as you stated before your on the outside looking in.
so Ninjahood is Black when it's convenient to the black NTers?
but their sole argument in him being "black" is that he's black when it's convenient to him?


good thing there are enough black NTers to run around and cosign each other for pages rather than thinking for themselves 
ninjahood has repeatedly said he isn't black and has denounced his black heritage a long time ago.  With that in mind and his new found love of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party I wouldn't be surprised if ninjahood was currently on that Sammy Sosa skin care treatment, just to lighten things up so to speak.  

Yall taking this to the General forum now?

Originally Posted by Deuce King

ninjahood has repeatedly said he isn't black and has denounced his black heritage a long time ago.  With that in mind and his new found love of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party I wouldn't be surprised if ninjahood was currently on that Sammy Sosa skin care treatment, just to lighten things up so to speak.   
Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by culturecarnage

so what about all of the people born out of wedlock? 
we need to get their parents married ASAP

also, what about married people who are infertile?

let's nullify the marriages of people without children, also let's demand people applying for marriage certificates for fertility tests. 

you're clearly on to something.

marriage is about class, you're buying into some conservative rhetoric to rationalize bigotry. if you look historically as well as currently marriage is a middle and upperclass luxury. in denying people, any people who want to get married  the right to you are delineating their marginalized status no matter how much money or markers of conventional success they have. its about protecting a certain kind of privilege that is slowly being eroded.
Before you decide to be so sarcastic....

Read the entire thread before you decide to comment. Or at least go back a few pages.
   I have addressed the questions you asking.

you're making assumptions that i didn't read them and saying that you made valid points doesn't mean you did. its bigotry cut and dried, this idea that marriage is to be protected is out and out ridiculous as if the people who get married now somehow hold it in such high regard. quite frankly who gives a *$#% about what someone does that doesn't affect you in any way what so ever. 
same goes for abortion, the only person who gets a right to say what i do with my vagina is me. point blank period. this ###!%#%@ of trying to legislate and determine moral behavior has got to stop. in telling me what i get to do with my vagina you're staking out some ownership of women as a whole an their reproductive rights. in denying gay marriage you're staking out ownership of sexuality. society is made p of people and people have no rights over other people. jay-z's parallel of gay mariage as a civil rights issue is hauntingly accurate.
Originally Posted by True Blues

This seems relevant:

GRANTLAND.com:Hollywood Prospectus
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Jay-Z, Denzel, Peyton, and the Gay-Marriage Issue

By Rembert Browne


“I’ve always thought of it as something that's still holding the country back. You know, what people do in their own homes is their business and you can choose to love whoever you love. That’s their business. It’s no different than discriminating against blacks. It’s discrimination plain and simple."

"I think it's the right thing to do, so whether it costs him [Barack Obama] votes or not — again, it’s not about votes. It’s about people. So whether it costs him votes or not, I think it’s the right thing to do as a human being.
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

It's discrimination because heterosexual couples have the right to get married.  To many, marriage is the ultimate expression of their love.  That's why civil unions are unacceptable. Have you ever talked to a married gay couple?  They can tell a difference.  It's the recognition that their love is the same as everyone else's love. It's their love validated and not asterisked.  It's a love without caveats.  It's a love that is every bit as special as your love...and they get to to proclaim it in front of their friends, family and world!  How is my ability to marry someone tomorrow, that I met today, somehow more acceptable than a relationship that has taken every step EXCEPT for marriage?  Doesn't that sound $@#$*+ up to you? 

You asked what can gay marriage do for people as a whole, what does ANY marriage do for people as a whole?  I don't reap any benefits from other couples getting married.
Agree to disagree. You want to get your emotions involved. Love this love that proclaim it to the world etc. You are an individual amongst a community. You, YES YOU, are part of society. Heterosexual unions have something to offer society therefore YOU benefit. Gay marriage is an issue because of benefits. People want to call it a discrimination b/c they feel they being oppressed of their rights to form in a union and receive the same benefits as heterosexuals married couples. Ima ask you this and you give me an answer that isn't emotionally driven...

Poitics by definition is popular decision. What can a minority  group (as you stated) that must be looking to serve themselves (by having a recognition that their love is the same as everyone else love (as you stated)) and whose union offers society nothing, cry discrimination because the government won't make a rule for them?

I already explained those who get married and don't have kids get benefits because the exist amongst rules set for a majority. Gays are a minority looking to get rules. And that are made for them for no other reason that they feel the need to be recognized by the same as heterosexuals and receive the same benefits when they cant offer the same things heterosexuals can (members of society). Is a gay couple going to be able to make school teacher, cops, firemen, politicians, etc etc are gay couples capable of making a person that can be a productive member to society like heterosexuals couples can?? Why do gay couples feel the need to demand the same benefits as heterosexuals then?

Like honestly give me a reason that isnt emotionally based. Facts. I not trying to hurt your feelings if your gay. Do you. Im just trying to understand reasonably.
Read this statement again.

How is it not discrimination (legally defined)?

It is legally defined. I guess I could clarify by saying this is how they want to look at it but this is not the case why gay marriage isn't legalized, for the reasons that were stated.

Originally Posted by culturecarnage

Originally Posted by YG716

Originally Posted by culturecarnage

so what about all of the people born out of wedlock? 
we need to get their parents married ASAP

also, what about married people who are infertile?

let's nullify the marriages of people without children, also let's demand people applying for marriage certificates for fertility tests. 

you're clearly on to something.

marriage is about class, you're buying into some conservative rhetoric to rationalize bigotry. if you look historically as well as currently marriage is a middle and upperclass luxury. in denying people, any people who want to get married  the right to you are delineating their marginalized status no matter how much money or markers of conventional success they have. its about protecting a certain kind of privilege that is slowly being eroded.
Before you decide to be so sarcastic....

Read the entire thread before you decide to comment. Or at least go back a few pages.
   I have addressed the questions you asking.

you're making assumptions that i didn't read them and saying that you made valid points doesn't mean you did. its bigotry cut and dried, this idea that marriage is to be protected is out and out ridiculous as if the people who get married now somehow hold it in such high regard. quite frankly who gives a *$#% about what someone does that doesn't affect you in any way what so ever. 
same goes for abortion, the only person who gets a right to say what i do with my vagina is me. point blank period. this ###!%#%@ of trying to legislate and determine moral behavior has got to stop. in telling me what i get to do with my vagina you're staking out some ownership of women as a whole an their reproductive rights. in denying gay marriage you're staking out ownership of sexuality. society is made p of people and people have no rights over other people. jay-z's parallel of gay mariage as a civil rights issue is hauntingly accurate.
Missing the point. Make your argument else where I have done too much typing to explain again. reread it if you already read it. I already said to point out a reason that is not emotionally driven on why gay marriage needs to be legalized. Staking out ownership of sexuality??? Who does that serve besides yourself? In what way will the majority benefit from that??

Your vag is your vag and rightfully so and as you are a human being amongst a community of others you are more than welcome to do as you please with it . However this is legislation. Legislation is not made for self serving purposes, especially amongst a minority group. Ownership of sexuality? That why the government recognizes marriages and provides benefits to married couples? You cant be serious. Marriage is not about that to the government. I already explained this.

 Legislation for gay marriage cannot be justified for any other reason than self serving purposes. What legislation gets passed that serves no point but to make a minority group happy especially when it takes a majority to pass it?? There's no discrimination here. Its fact that gay couples can not put people into this world. They offer nothing to anyone but themselves. Nobody's being unjust and oppressing anyone here. Legislation is set forth for the majority and has a beneficial purpose to the majority. That's why it gets passed. That's is why its called politics. Politics is whats popular amongst a majority.
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