"Squeezed of on em, left the paramedics breathing soft on em, what's ya name" -Solange Knowles
I know they were in the heat of the moment but Jay had to know there was a camera in the elevator.
First thing I'm doing is marching up to the security office for damage control.

Just like Ray Rice you don't expect the footage to make it to TMZ, and it was the furthest thing from his mind in all likelihood.
i never knew about this reps limit ya'll keep talking about. I finally reached it with this thread.
"Squeezed of on em, left the paramedics breathing soft on em, what's ya name" -Solange Knowles
jayz and biggie smalls ***** **** YA DRAWS 
Man this thread is amazing. Nas slurpers, Jay-Z zealots and a whole bunch of hilarious gifs. For the record I have most of both of their albums but I'd never defend either one like they are Gods gift to life. But Jay did the right thing by not attacking. Never is it right to assault a woman. No circumstances. Sorry to those that think otherwise. Cause if it was your sister/moms getting smacked you'd be wanting to retaliate in a nanosecond...
The hotel is investigating how the video got out. Hope the money TMZ paid was worth it, because the person who leaked it won't be able to find a job for a long time.
Soon, everyone will go back to not caring about Solange. & hopefully not caring about Jay & Beyonce either. Laughs were priceless.
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