Jay-Z Rebuilding the ROC?

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Dame story is becoming more and more believable.

Uh... all the Roc members stated that Dame was a snake business man who had no idea what he was doing in a recording session. they all hated the input hegave and control he demanded over their music. The only dudes from the Roc riding with him at the time of the breakup were Beans and Cam, and he ended upjerking Beans anyway when he folded DDMG within a year.

And I find it hilarious how all of you are speaking on this being "messed up" or "how you always knew Jay was grimy" when no one knows thestory.. If you heard the whole Peedi interview he goes back and forth so many times its obvious HE doesn't even know what really happened. What is clearis that HE was dropped, and probably Oschino too (though if I remember right, his %*% was dropped wayyyy back in 04-05.) I know for a fact that Sparks hasbeen a free agent for several years, so what makes you think O and those other dudes were even really there and not in Major label limbo?
I need to read an article from the AP or quotes from Free and Beans that give validity to this.

I still can't believe something like this would go down...Jay ain't stupid, he'd take a HUGE PR hit, whether he cares about it or not...and I'msure he knows it'd be not smart to take it there.
its BEEEEN a wrap for da roc though...as a diplomats fan i seen da snakery within that camp back when da dips got left off da roc da mic tour.
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