Jennifer Lopez Gives Birth to Twins in NY

Oct 26, 2005
NEW YORK (AP) - Jennifer Lopez gave birth to twins early Friday, making the singer and husband Marc Anthony the parents of a boy and a girl after one of pop music's most closely watched pregnancies.

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Lopez representative Simon Fields told People magazine the babies were born shortly after midnight on New York's Long Island, with the 5-pound, 7-ounce girl arriving first, followed by her 6-pound brother minutes later. The location was not identified.

"Jennifer and Marc are delighted, thrilled and over the moon," Fields told the magazine.

Lopez' publicists and agent did not return telephone calls from The Associated Press early Friday.

Ending months of speculation, Lopez confirmed her pregnancy at a Miami concert in November. Her father, David Lopez, told Telefutura's "Escandalo TV" earlier this month that the 39-year-old singer was expecting twins.

Lopez and Anthony, 38, married in 2004. The twins are her first children, and his third and fourth.

Jennifer Lopez Gives Birth To Twins

i hope i have twins.... seems like a good way to have multiple children without dealing with multiple pregnancies.
actually i hope my wife has twins lol.
You know, I'm really happy for her. She has been wanting to have kids and she was blessed w/ two in one shot. Good luck to her and her family.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

i hope i have twins.... seems like a good way to have multiple children without dealing with multiple pregnancies.

I didn't know Captain Obvious was registered on NT.
I hope good ol Jenny from the block got them strong genes because Id hate to see if they come out looking like herdude

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

You know, I'm really happy for her. She has been wanting to have kids and she was blessed w/ two in one shot. Good luck to her and her family.

Nice to see her finally have kids. Good Luck to here and the babies.
Congrats J-Lo. welcome to the world of twin parenting.

hope i have twins.... seems like a good way to have multiple children without dealing with multiple pregnancies.
actually i hope my wife has twins lol.

In theory it sounds like a good idea, but in practice it is an extremely hard job. Take it from a father of twins, two babies will kick a grown man's ***. The good thing about people like J-Lo (i.e., rich people) is that they will always have all the help that they will ever need to take care of twin babies. That will make her child rearing experience alot more pleasant than let us say a person who works 9 to 5 everyday and has to come home to two crying babies.
at all the congrats to JLO. My congrats go to Marc for hittin that...And Ben... And Puff... and every other semi-famous male with a salary upwards of [Dr. Evil] One Million Dollars [Dr. Evil]
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