Jessica Alba on Jay Leno OMG!!!!!!!!My penis exploded/// PICTURES PAGE THREE

alba is beautiful
she is my #1 (tied with megan fox and adriana lima) out of all the other hollywood women
CWrite78 wrote:
Durden7 wrote:
She's attractive yes, but some people here are just OD on her. She's not THAT great. Theres a thousand girls just as pretty as her.

i agree.. but i want to see 1000 pics of girls that look better/just as good as her. dont just pull any number out your +$@ and not back it up.

You that thirsty to beat? The number is more than a 1000 actually. Don't act like im wrong and throwing a number out to prove my point. Any major citywill have a thousand beautiful girls just as attractive as her.
Photos are whack, she looked good back in her Dark Angel days but now she got too slim.
Some o'yah is sooooooo SADDDDDD...

Realtalk, Jessica Alba is about as average as the cute chick down the street. The only possible reason I could think of as to why she would be considered sexyis simply because she has money...There are girls walking on campus right now that are def. way more physically attractive than her...


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