Jimmy Goldstein's House = Next Level Contemporary

Mar 13, 2004
Maybe you've seen this, maybe you haven't..

But this is Jimmy Goldstein:

(on left)

If you watch the NBA, you've probably seen him as he goes to MANY playoff games....

anyways, according to Wiki (yea yea...I know), he's a billionaire.  Made his fortune through real estate.  There's no doubt he's loaded...

GQ did a nice piece on him that you can read here:

in the link was another link (no Xzibit) that takes you to some photos of his house in LA.  +$+$ is RIDICULOUS.  I'm going to post it up, but be sure to click the arrows to get the full tour of his house.  It's absolutely amazing and one of the best homes I've seen....



Rest of Photos in Link
I remember them showing his crib on ESPN The Life I think.
It was probably next level contempo in the 70's, looks super dated to me though...
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I remember them showing his crib on ESPN The Life I think.
It was probably next level contempo in the 70's, looks super dated to me though...

From an architectural standpoint, it's breathtaking...some of the furniture is
Every now and then Kobe surprises me by walking up to me shaking hands and giving me a nice smile. But for the most part, he ignores me. He doesn't look at me and even went to the extent of telling Pau Gasol not to say hello to me. He's never explained why.
[font=georgia, times new roman, times, serif]

[font=georgia, times new roman, times, serif]

[font=georgia, times new roman, times, serif]Kobe's always competing.[/font]
I have friends on every team and every team thinks I'm there to root for them. I try to put on a neutral stance as much as possible when I go to the games, with the exception of the Lakers games. The Lakers players are all aware that I root for the other team. With the exception of Kobe, they seem to take it pretty well.

Every now and then Kobe surprises me by walking up to me shaking hands and giving me a nice smile. But for the most part, he ignores me. He doesn't look at me and even went to the extent of telling Pau Gasol not to say hello to me. He's never explained why.

Originally Posted by 81ackMamba

This man is living the life. Seems like he's at every single NBA basketball game.
That's impossible.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I remember them showing his crib on ESPN The Life I think.
It was probably next level contempo in the 70's, looks super dated to me though...

From an architectural standpoint, it's breathtaking...some of the furniture is
To me, if a lot of that furniture was reupholstered it would look way better but I think it fits the overall aesthetic otherwise.  Also, I can't tell if the floors are concrete or what but the rugs he has don't help either.  The hardwoods in the bedroom look much nicer though he doesn't have the wood ceiling in there so it's a nice contrast.
Yeah, bruh, that looks like the crib from the Big Lebowski.

I don't like that dude at all. His approach toward fandom seems stupid. You've been living in L.A. since Truman was president, are a huge NBA fan, but always root against the Lakers? But you sit front row at most of their games? I hope Kobe has decked that guy chasing down a loose ball.

That chick looks hotter than Kate Upton to me.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Yeah, bruh, that looks like the crib from the Big Lebowski.

I don't like that dude at all. His approach toward fandom seems stupid. You've been living in L.A. since Truman was president, are a huge NBA fan, but always root against the Lakers? But you sit front row at most of their games? I hope Kobe has decked that guy chasing down a loose ball.

That chick looks hotter than Kate Upton to me.
it is
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