Job Cleaning the Gulf Coast!

balloonoboy wrote:
Originally Posted by carbine

balloonoboy wrote:

Not to be negative or anything, but you really don't want to do that.

It's probably the hardest job you'll ever do x 100.

Apply for work study or something. Leave that mess alone.
Not to be negative or anything, but you're a $#%%*.

You've probably never done a "hard" job in your life. If everyone helping clean that mess up right now thought like you, it would never get clean. You should be saying, if I don't help, who will? Man up, son.
Why the *%%@ would I want to clean up someone else's mess?

You and seasoned vet got me %#+$@! up. I would never in my life do something like that when offshore drilling will continue and something like this could very well happen again.

If you want to do it, more power to you, but there are other alternatives to get paid.

- foreal? well, a good quality black Chinese tea is priced between $13 - $45 (US dollars) per 100 grams.
- what the #@*$ does cleaning up someone elses mess have to do with getting paid to do a job? and who said it wouldnt happen again?? truth be told you'd find a higher percentage of jobs across the world that entail someone cleaning up someones mess than not, be it figuratively or literally.
** For Those Looking For Oil Spill Jobs **
- i asked around and even called the local unemployment office on my luch break. there were no jobs left currently, but i did find out that the keyword to search for online is Hazwoper. just a quick search of "hazwoper biloxi" brought up a few job website still advertising positions.
- another thing i was told was that you will need a current Hazwoper certification. a quick search on it and i seen that you can do the training online.....for a fee.
- good luck to all seeking......
.......opps i almost forgot:
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

You need to read up on how exposure to oil during clean-up can damage your health. It has discouraged me from attempting to volunteer.

- this too.
- i forgot about this. smh@ me and i posted about this just a few days ago.....

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- Benzene causes leukemia and is associated with other blood cancers and pre-cancers of the blood.
      * benzene is harmful at levels 1000-times below what people can smell. (if you can smell it you're %%%%#%)
                                 * benzene smells like ammonia 
.....Benzene aint NO JOKE, and its out there. they've already had mulitiple cases of people getting sick.
Originally Posted by stillmatic

lukemia? count me out

- i really do wonder what this oil spill will bring. i wonder just how bad will it be on the beaches. i wonder how many YEARS this cleanup/disaster will be going on.
- thing is when i was in the military and we got instruments that used Benzene we would clear the room and only let one guy work on the equipment. whatever device it was had multiple tags all over it assuring you it was 'cleaned'. then i see reports on TV that the oil coming to the beaches contains Benzene and yet i still see people on the beaches getting oil clumps on thier hands and feet playing with it
- i just dont know. 20 BILLION in escrow so far? i still just dont know. i mean, i wonder if the whole coast gets sick down the line 5-10 years from now....then what
. damn man. i have visions in my head of thoses accident and chinese drywall lawyers only this time asking if you've gotten sick from the oil cleanup, ugh this is going to be a big !%$ mess.......
This is a job you're getting PAID to do.

They're not paying you to clean up and prevent it from happening again. If it happens again, so be it, another job for you making $400+ a day. Easy work comes after the hard work people. Some of you need to stop being lazy.
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