Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

You think its bad trying to find a job..try finding one when you have to mark you have been convicted of a felonie its hopeless. Ive turned in LOTS of apps andresume and as soon as they see the background check its over..We workin on my future why you worried bout my past word to cam
Originally Posted by KnowledgeTheFoundation

Got fired from my job a month ago. Still searching.

I'm on E. and putting my last 4 dollars in my tank...somethings gotta happen fast.

same here...

I went to a job fair today in NC.. I didn't even try to go in because the line was so long
it wraped around the building and I got there 45 min early...unemployment is a+*!!$....they even had the news out there
[color= rgb(153, 255, 255)]**** has been real fd up .... I got fired in July 07 from Target ... took me until November08 to fine another job and it was more BS retail (Sears) ... then they didn't do good salewise so they let all of the seasonal ppl that didn't getfired for stealing.[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 255, 255)]they told me to keep checking back b/c they wanted to keep me but couldn't ... ithought they were just blowing smoke ... Saturday I go in there to buy a tv and was told that four ppl called out and she was firing them all. she called meMonday and I did the drug test .... start back tomorrow ...[/color]
[color= rgb(153, 255, 255)]... it's better thannothing ...[/color]

[color= rgb(153, 255, 255)]thank goodness I get my MGIB + Hope and Pell grants from school.[/color]
Checking in, Was notified i'd be laid off, they gave me an extra 3 weeks. Aerospace FTL!! This economy sucks, anybody know of any positions in the bayarea? (from West Pittsburg, ca) I been calling temp agency after temp agency, no type of assignments. Unemployment has helped but losing 30% of my income isnot crackin.
Personally, I believe submitting applications online is the biggest waste of time. If you do some research, you will find out that it is not an effective wayof finding a job. It's all about who you know.

My friends who all were bums in college got jobs through people they knew. Me, a graduate from the University of Maryland with a 3.5 GPA and majored inbusiness can't find anything. It's very discouraging especially when you worked so hard in college.

i got my lil edible arrangements gig back since the weather's gotten better.. but 40-100 dollars a day ain't really holdin me down like i want it to..
Yea it's all who you know out there...I have a BS in Mech Engineering but I have gone towardsthe sale aspect of manufacturing and there aren't many openings for someone with my credentials and when there is; I need more experience.I'm in Toronto and things have been slim since I moved back last year....I'm hoping to get a position with one of these Wireless providers outhere...retail and business sales in wireless never really goes down and I can sell anything effectively...if not, Aldo is hiring....I can sell shoes to prettyfemales....I'm hopin either one gets back with me
Don't let the "it's who you know" mantra effect you. For the most part that is true, but only if you're looking for the easy road to adesired job. You can still get a job the old way of being very persistent. Just be a man on a mission and you'll find something for sure.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Yea it's all who you know out there...I have a BS in Mech Engineering but I have gone towards the sale aspect of manufacturing and there aren't many openings for someone with my credentials and when there is; I need more experience. I'm in Toronto and things have been slim since I moved back last year....I'm hoping to get a position with one of these Wireless providers out here...retail and business sales in wireless never really goes down and I can sell anything effectively...if not, Aldo is hiring....I can sell shoes to pretty females....I'm hopin either one gets back with me

have you searched Craigslist; i just search Toronto lots of stuff under arch/engineering not sure whats what though
Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by TD The God

have you searched Craigslist; i just search Toronto lots of stuff under arch/engineering not sure whats what though
Craigslist, Workopolis, Monster, Careerbuilder in that order is what I search daily,I'd be lucky to find 2 jobs per week that I'd be a good fit for...are you in school or are you working?
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by TD The God

have you searched Craigslist; i just search Toronto lots of stuff under arch/engineering not sure whats what though
Craigslist, Workopolis, Monster, Careerbuilder in that order is what I search daily, I'd be lucky to find 2 jobs per week that I'd be a good fit for...are you in school or are you working?
actual its funny still in school CE
, hell, its safer inschool than anything sadly SMH
I scheduled a interview tomorrow. Hopefully it goes well.

You guys should see if there is a career center in your area. In The Bay we have this place called EastBay Works they have a ton of job postings, resume help workshops, etc. They have a list of sites on their website herehttp:// with other sites that have job openings mostly Cali butmaybe other states (not sure on that). Maybe it will help somebody. out.
man u aint ever lied times is mad tuff right now, i think my job is trying to play me right now so im stress. i dont think they tryin to bring be back.
TD The God wrote:

I have a BS in Mech Engineering

do you not want to work an engineering job, or you cant get one? do you have any work experience in engineering? even engineering fields are suffering, butyou should be able to get into SOMETHING. but if you don't have experience or anything, I can def understand it being harder to get a job during thesetimes
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

TD The God wrote:

I have a BS in Mech Engineering

do you not want to work an engineering job, or you cant get one? do you have any work experience in engineering? even engineering fields are suffering, but you should be able to get into SOMETHING. but if you don't have experience or anything, I can def understand it being harder to get a job during these times

I have great experience just not enough years....just not traditional engineeringexperience...I'm more into technical sales and applications of industrial I can't get a design job because I don't have that typeof experience..
There's work if you lower your standards. Times are rough.
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