Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

eDiscovery Analyst 37.77 per hour to do this #%% so easy even HIGH school kids can do this

Anybody in the surrounding areas Chester/Philadelphia, PA/ Delaware/South Jersey region looking for a job. My job is hiring. Different departments available.
Also Atlanta,GA/ Long Island,NY/Stratford,CT,/Boston,MA/Cranford,NJ for field marketers only. (door to door setting people up for a free estimate)
I mean it may not be the best job in the world but I had an interview with Coca-Cola today, working as a loader in a warehouse. Not proud of it but I can't sit at home collecting unemployment checks anymore. I have a 3 year old son to take care of and collecting checks makes me feel horrible. I was always raised that the "MAN" of the house NEEDS to support his family by all means. Even if it means working 2 jobs. I got another interview next week. Let's hope I get this job. 
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by ricky409

How tough is it finding a job with a master's degree?

What kind of job, and what kind of masters.  I mean you have to be a lot more specific then that. 
What experience do you have coupled with teh masters?

masters in finance. All I have is retail experience cuz I hooped all thru college. I'm going g to get on as a personal banker whoever I'm in college, and look for Internship programs starting in the spring
I been on unemployment now for almost 2 months and to be isnt cool. Some of you may hype it up as chillin with an income but being 23 and moving back in with moms aint cool...not to mention my dealbreaker with a female that I really liked and was talking to was that I live with my mom
. I've applied for the electrician apprenticeship but the aptitude test isnt until September and from there if you pass your name can be on the eligible list for up to two years to be called up for a job. I dread going back to retail cause it sucks but its really the only decent paying job that I know of that doesnt require a college degree. Any help in the San Francisco area much appreciated.
I been on unemployment now for almost 2 months and to be isnt cool. Some of you may hype it up as chillin with an income but being 23 and moving back in with moms aint cool...not to mention my dealbreaker with a female that I really liked and was talking to was that I live with my mom
. I've applied for the electrician apprenticeship but the aptitude test isnt until September and from there if you pass your name can be on the eligible list for up to two years to be called up for a job. I dread going back to retail cause it sucks but its really the only decent paying job that I know of that doesnt require a college degree. Any help in the San Francisco area much appreciated.

go to college. Its never too late.
Funny this thread popped up. Just got a rejection email today from the place i interviewed for... It **** ing sucks. Im just so mad at myself i cant blame it on anyone else. Guess my interview wasnt as good as i thought. Worse is that i was referred by a friend who wkrks there and i still couldnt finish the alley oop. Sucks so much man. It was a retail gig but i really felt blessed to get a chance in there because i have no experience . Just couldnt complete the play....damn son.
I haven't checked this thread since I got hired. As far as my process for applying just grinded it out, applied every where I could, made my resume sharp as hell, had a cover letter where I could interchange the companies names.

Probably sent out about 400+ applications. got very few responses. 4 interviews. and 2 job offers.

When you interview personally I say just go out there and be yourself. Joke with the folks, and be real about what you can do, what you want to do, and how you'd be an asset.

My first 2 interviews that I flunked I feel I was just too up tight and focused on giving the correct clean answer.
Quick heads up for any one that has managerial/retail experience, Spirit hallowen stores are about to open up. Its seasonal, from mid august till mid november. 3 months about 10-20 stacks depending on your experience (asst. manager/ manager/district manager, respectively.) Im about to hit it up, as im currently 20 gs in for student loans :smh:. Should be fun though i ain't tripping, im going to a different city, getting accomodation paid for, and have a car there. Going as a store manager.
i need a job man, tired of not having much to do during the day.
Start your own business, an online business, something that requires little to no maintenance and start up costs. It's 2012 there no excuse not to have a job especially when we're on the cutting edge of the work force evolution. 

CREATE a career or job.
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The market is slowly starting to pick up. Work with as many recruiters as you can. Email/call them every week. Sooner or later something will come up just make sure your on top of them. Im working with 5 different recruiters hope something good comes up soon. I just have to be patient and consistent. Good Luck everyone!
Have a job interview tomorrow. It's for a financial advisor position which I don't even remember applying too :lol:. I guess I would be selling insurance if I get it.
Anyone such experience?
Have a job interview tomorrow. It's for a financial advisor position which I don't even remember applying too :lol:. I guess I would be selling insurance if I get it.
Anyone such experience?

Is it for Northwestern Mutual? I've applied and have had interviews with several financial advising companies and most of the questions are about yourself and your past experience. Many of them want to see if you're good with people. Financial advising is a tough field since you have to find your own clients after a certain point. Good luck.
Fall is coming. Classes are resuming. Most companies spent the summer acclamating new hires and filling out all the paperwork/packages for employees who left during this time.

In most cases, there's more employees leaving than coming in. Companies, especially in the fall, are trying to fill all these vacant slots. Sharpen up those resumes, fellas. As well as those LinkedIn pages if you guys have them.

If you live near a college, go up there and ask when the fall career fair is, cuz that season is fast approaching. Inquire about what companies are going to be present at these fairs as well. Go back and research them, so you can wow them. Companies will be at their thirstiest at these fairs. Just start prepping on how to sell yourself the best.

Good luck, fellas.
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Have a job interview tomorrow. It's for a financial advisor position which I don't even remember applying too :lol:. I guess I would be selling insurance if I get it.
Anyone such experience?

Is it for Northwestern Mutual? I've applied and have had interviews with several financial advising companies and most of the questions are about yourself and your past experience. Many of them want to see if you're good with people. Financial advising is a tough field since you have to find your own clients after a certain point. Good luck.

It's at New York Life.
Thanks bro.
O yea, we also have a facebook group too, for anybody who wants to join the community and learn more about the business, and start getting paid!
I'm Graduating on Tuesday with degrees in both Communications and Finance. I am currently

working but have been applying feverishly for entry level positions in my field since finals concluded.

I've applied to about 15-20 openings with not even a call back yet this **** is getting fustrating. Bruhs I spent like 3 hours touching up

my resume and cover letter for a postion I was adequately qualified for I go back to check on the application 6 hours later they

already rejected me.  

Just keep swimming ... 
Yeeah, good luck everybody.

I graduated almost exactly two months ago. Got my first job out of college one month later, but quit after my first day because it wasn't in my field and I didn't want to start my career like that (applied for an accounting job and they offered me a HR job). Got another job offer I really wanted just the other day after too many rejections and no callbacks. I start this Tuesday. :smokin I applied to probably 150 places and got like 20-25 interviews.

Don't lose hope, stand your ground and JUST BE YOURSELF!
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ayo if you need a spot to make your resume for you i know someone good to refer you too... they do a good job and its only 65...they did my resume and got me good jobs and interviews... i highly recommend them
I moved from Oakland to the Sacramento area in January and have been searching for a decent job ever since. I completed an application and a following questionnaire as a Customer Care Rep at VSP.
I just received an email from them that I have made it to the next phase and will receive a call on wednesday to schedule a phone interview. I'm so happy/nervous/excited!!!
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