Joe Rogan Podcast

No. There are loose connections people try to make with Anak/Anukim, Nephilim (Sons of God), and others to tie into the Annunaki story for support but those are not substantiated by the scriptures and run counter to the Annunaki story.

Thank you for your service
Crazy that contrarians without a cause don't understand that peer reviews and opposition are part of the process, not an offense. The burden of proof and reproducability is on you.
This dude also goes thru what howard said in his JRE ep

his credentials
"I received a BA in chemistry from Carleton College, and performed graduate studies in both synthetic organic chemistry and science education at Cal State Northridge, receiving an MA in the latter."
I dont understand why anyone would go any further than "1 x 1 = 2" with him but I will say his voice makes his nonesense sound hilarious.
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