JOHN LENNON APPRECIATION POST - 27th Anniversary of his death today RIP WE LOVE YOU!

Sep 26, 2005
Before you say this belongs in the music forum... i decided to put this in general because i think John Lennon was bigger than just his music...

Although he was (and is still) one of the worlds most famous Singer/Songwriters, he was also one of the worlds biggest Peace Activists, Poets, Artists... He isremember today by millions of people for his beautiful music, and as a promoter of worldwide peace. Lennon was born Oct 9 1940, and was shot dead in front ofhis home in NYC on Dec 8 1980.

Lennon was apart of the world renowned group 'The Beatles' and wrote enormously famous songs such as 'Imagine' and 'Give Peace aChance'

In America, Lennon was a huge political activist. In the 70's he helped promote voting to young people, as well as holding and preforming hundreds ofprotests, rallying against the Vietnam War.

He left behind two children, Julian and Sean, and his wife Yoko Ono.

He'll forever be missed.

'New York Years' Lennon

Lennon with his wife Yoko Ono

Lennon with The Beatles
...I hope one day you'll join us
And the world would be as one

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]

RIP to a legend in music...

that picture with him signing an autograph for the man who eventually killed him hours later still gives me the chills...

[font=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]The photograph is of Lennon's trademark spectacles beside a glass of water on a table set against the New Yorkskyline as seen from the couple's flat.[/font]

[font=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif]It was taken after Lennon was shot by Mark Chapman outside the Dakota Building in Manhattan in 1980.[/font]
Quite the loss the world suffered that day... can't believe this slipped my mind.

Don't mean to get off-topic, as this SHOULD be an appreciation post in memory of the man, but has anyone heard of conspiracy theories regarding Yoko andher alleged involvement in his assassination?

She has created a pretty cool memorial for him in Reykjavik, Iceland. It's a tower of light, similar to those shined in NY in remembrance of 9/11, althoughthis one seems to shine brighter and is permanent.

he is appreciated. even though i don't care too much for his solo work he was an amazing man.

Wow... that's pretty intense...

I was able to visit The Dakota on my last trip to NY. It was an erie feeling indeed...
Hey [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Oh Come on 120:[/color] When you were in NY, did you go to the Dakota?It was quite an eerie experience.

I've been a fan of John Lennon's since I was a little tyke listening to it in our old Ford Aerostar on our way to the Bay Area.
John Lennon is oneif not the greatest musician to ever live. One of my craziest LSD experiences involved Lucy in theSky with Diamonds and the rest of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts blasting through my bedroom window as I lied down on the grass outside my window with mygirlfriend at the time... staring at the clouds. Not a care in the world. Rest in Peace.
A loss for the world. Another testament to the human race's tendency to kill our prophets. Lennon's death was truly a blow to the peaceniks in Americaand abroad, those who strove to bring peace, love, and equality among all our brothers and sisters. He was more than just music or political activism; JohnLennon embodied the hopes and dreams of a people searching for the truth. His assassination meant the disillusionment of America, and we will forever be poorerfor it. RIP.
Originally Posted by DaT SiCk KiD

that picture with him signing an autograph for the man who eventually killed him hours later still gives me the chills...


R.I.P. John Lennon. I just had on Imagine actually before coming into this thread
Truly appreciated.

Even though I was not old enough to appreciate him when he was alive, my dad passed his music down to me. A legend and a visionary.
May he rest in peace.
My favorite artist of all time, and not just for his music. I've been inspired by him and his message ever since my friend introduced me to him. He willtruly be missed. RIP.
r.i.p. to one of the greatest if not the greatest singer/songwriters ever. he's been a true inspiration in my life from his music, lyrics, poetry,activism, views, etc. he was a complex person, and many people view him as a hyprorite, but to me, that's just what made him human to me and easier for meto relate to him. he wasn't perfect and he never tried to be. i wasn't even born when he was gunned down but i feel the heartbreak everyone around theworld felt on that night.

also, i don't mean to be anal, but that sentence in the o.p. is wrong. instead of reading, "He left behind two children, daughter Cynthia and sonSean, and his wife Yoko Ono. " Cynthia was his ex-wife and his first son's name is Julian. he never had a daughter. don't mind me, i'm just ahuge Beatles freak.

with that said, here's a message from Yoko i found in myspace group.

"Dear Friends

This December 8th is the 27th anniversary of John Lennon's passing.

Please visit at any time on Dec 8th for a special message & video.

WAR IS OVER! artwork is now available for download at
Please print & display in your window, workplace, school, street, car, computer & elsewhere over the holiday season.

On December 8th, 11.15pm (your local time) please remember John by taking a moment of quiet reflection. If you would like to play or sing "Imagine"and IMAGINE a world of PEACE, we will all be together at that moment in every time zone as IMAGINE PEACE makes its way around the world - every hour for 24hours.

Please send in stories & photos of what you did on December 8th to [email protected] and tell us of your experiences. That would be lovely!

With deepest love
Yoko Ono Lennon"
wow i didn't even know it was the anniversary of his death and I've been playing The Beatles songs all day for some reason. I had no idea..thatsactually kind of creepy. Listening to "hello, goodbye" now.
the beatles are so amazing....its not even funny man

and im sure john lennon's death was government oriented...his music and his political value after the beatles was so powerful
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