John Wall is TERRIBLE

This is silly.

Some of y'all are acting like he can never improve that aspect of his game.
Originally Posted by KMante

This is silly.

Some of y'all are acting like he can never improve that aspect of his game.

I don't think it's the point that he can't improve those aspect of his game, it's just that in two years John Wall has done nothing to improve his game. I personally still believe that John can be an elite player. But I also believe that Kyrie Irving has passed him already.
He needs to lock himself in the game, stop playing all of this pickup Ball Is Life mix tape basketball and work on his jumpshot. 
If ever that he won't show any improvement next season,it only means that he can't be a star player.He needs to work on his jumpshots for crying out loud.
Word is my boy is developing that jump shot

The League better watch out
we hear stuff like this every year about player x, and every year, player x still has the same skillset
like ive been saying...


Teams managed to neutralize his speed in the half court by staying back and daring him to beat them with his jumper, which he had little confidence in and took reluctantly. Wall made 61.9 percent of his shots inside three feet (237 for 383), but he struggled to connect from everywhere else. He shot just 27.6 percent (141 for 511) from three feet and beyond and Thorpe said his three-point shot “fell off the face of the earth.

Oh word....

He's just not that elite superstar he was tabbed as coming out

It was "John Wall and everyone else"
He's just not that elite superstar he was tabbed as coming out

It was "John Wall and everyone else"

I agree with this so far, but injury + the lockout are partially to blame for that. The rest is on him not developing a half court game or a jumpshot ( both of which he is showing improvement in recently). He is playing mire efficiently and his FG% is up to 45 this year which is around what Rose and Westbrook typically shoot.

I didn't see what made him a lock to be a superstar coming out of the draft but my opinion of him has improved. I think his ceiling is a less explosive (though still elite athletically) Westbrook/Rose with better passing instincts, which could make him a top 5 player.

Even with his current deficiencies he took a 5-28 team and has gone 21-16 since. That's a small sample size and perhaps not directly correlated but on some level it shows he makes even a fairly poor roster competitive.
I think his ceiling is a less explosive (though still elite athletically) Westbrook/Rose with better passing instincts, which could make him a top 5 player.
Agreed, he looks to be potentially a higher IQ Westbrook.. less scoring but better passing and a better floor general. And equal or better defensively.
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The only thing TERRIBLE was the situation Wall was put in during his first two seasons. Playing with the likes of Blatche, Crawford, Young, Mcgee, etc... Guys who have no sense of team basketball. Been a fan of Wall since he first came in, glad to see him healthy and Ballin :smokin
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