Jon & Kate Season Premiere

Originally Posted by imperialh8

I did watch the show.....first of all....Anyone see Jon's car, I think it was a Nissan Nismo 350 z...damn!!!
I thought it was a 370z judging by the lights. Could be a 350 though.

Just finished earlier. It doesn't look good for them, but I think they'll probably reconcile for the kids' sake.

On another note, does anyone watch Little People, Big World or 18 Kids and Counting? I used to watch Little People, Big World which got me watching TLC and alittle while later Jon & Kate Plus 8 was added to TLC and I stumbled upon it. Don't really watch it anymore though, but since so many people I knowwatched this show I was surprised they didn't watch any of the others.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Anyway, I haven't watched the show because I no longer have cable TV (a personal choice I made).

dont even front, your just cheap

anyway my girl turned me onto this show and now im hooked
I reallywant to see it work out for them, but Kate is just too big of a @+%!@
My ex-girlfriend used to make me watch this with her.

I always felt bad for the dad. He looked like he was bottling up some anger.
Originally Posted by gusyouout

Originally Posted by imperialh8

I did watch the show.....first of all....Anyone see Jon's car, I think it was a Nissan Nismo 350 z...damn!!!
I thought it was a 370z judging by the lights. Could be a 350 though.

Just finished earlier. It doesn't look good for them, but I think they'll probably reconcile for the kids' sake.

On another note, does anyone watch Little People, Big World or 18 Kids and Counting? I used to watch Little People, Big World which got me watching TLC and a little while later Jon & Kate Plus 8 was added to TLC and I stumbled upon it. Don't really watch it anymore though, but since so many people I know watched this show I was surprised they didn't watch any of the others.
The lights gave it away, it was a 350z. Also other giveaways were external antenna and rounded roof line. I wonder if they're sponsored byNissan on the low because one episode had Kate rolling with her sister and they came in a convertible 350z.

As the seasons went on, Jon seemed like he was just whatever and let Kate get the last word.
ok, so I am not alone in this.

First off, I started watching this show after I found out my wifey was pregnant with my son and she really liked this show.

The season premier was a bit disappointing as it didn't seem like it was the same "Jon & Kate + 8" show. It was more like a Hollywood versionof it.

Anyway, I feel sorry for Jon and Kate and all the kids too, but I do believe their marriage is over.
Originally Posted by imperialh8

.BTW to the fans of the show anyone think Joel will turn out gay???
i dont think joel will be gay...but me and a friend think he's ******ed...or really really smart...the fact that he puts on that "i dontunderstand anything ur saying face" whenever hes being disciplined is hilarious!

does anyone else find it funny that they are all the same age and are fed the same thing but collin and hannah look like little linebackers...
Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Anyway, I haven't watched the show because I no longer have cable TV (a personal choice I made).

dont even front, your just cheap

People aren't allowed to make choices anymore? With cable, I watched at most 2 hours of cable TV a week. I work 50+ hours a week, i'm never home on theweekends, and I always have weeknight plans. The only shows I regularly watched were The Office and LOST (non-cable shows), an even then, I missed around halfof both seasons. There isn't a single cable-TV program that I miss watching (except Mets baseball, but I don't have time to watch all the games).

Because of an issue with my service provider, the service was cut off in my area and I went a month without cable. When a decision had to be made, I chose topass up cable TV because I don't watch much TV in the first place, and I prefer a lifestyle in which TV isn't a primary source of entertainment.I've been cable free for three months, and i'm absolutely fine. I don't download TV shows nor do I eagerly wait for them to be available to watchonline. What's the point in paying $720 a year just to claim ownership of it?
It's clear that Jon's just had about enough of this show and Kate's enjoying her fame too much. Eh, she's a blah and everyone knows it. Too badfor the kids.
- didnt watch this episode, and gossip aside (havent heard anything), but who would want to stay with a woman that yells across a store at you like you'reher child, and constantly yelling at you throughout the day. then when Jon tries to explain her making him feel uncomfortable she puts it back in his lap likeits all his fault for making her talk to him that way. im surprised he stayed as long as he did.
Originally Posted by imperialh8

The Scene with Alexis and Jon was endearing. I would hate for that to happen to me.

yea that scene had me punkin up a little
....when he was asking her"do you hug any of your friends? kiss them?" she was like "nooo i only kiss mommy and you daddy" (something like that)...jonlooked like he was gettin misty eyed
i remember they were showing clips of her hitting and yelling at dude, they had at least 15 clips. She a complete nagg.
Originally Posted by Put em up

i remember they were showing clips of her hitting and yelling at dude, they had at least 15 clips. She a complete nagg.

- EXACTLY. and her only defense was "you're making me act like that". you dont treat people that just dont. i seen the potential for adivorce a mile away, just didnt think it would happen because of the amount of young children. can you imagine the child support

- after those clips pay attention to his demanor, peep dude try to defend himself and how she just brushes his claims to the side. id have left that crazy #%+broad a long time ago.....
Money and Fame > Life of your children

What a shame and this type of reality show only encourages people like that octoplet mom
My friend said it best lets just make another show called "Jon minus 9"

It will be on HBO and all kinds of awesome stuff will go on it. College chicks, slutty teachers, Nismo racing, Women with T-boz hair cuts. Cussing and nudity,it will have more ratings than this show.
I didn't even know this show was hot like that.

My fiance's best freind is the producer. She been nuts lately.
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Originally Posted by imperialh8

The Scene with Alexis and Jon was endearing. I would hate for that to happen to me.

yea that scene had me punkin up a little
....when he was asking her "do you hug any of your friends? kiss them?" she was like "nooo i only kiss mommy and you daddy" (something like that)...jon looked like he was gettin misty eyed
me too.

especially when jon was like "oh do you miss me?" and alexis said something like " yeah don't go away anymore.."
my wife watches this show religiously and with all the publicity I decided to watch last night. Kate is a classic bully...all smoke and no fire...all Jon hasto do is man up on this chick. If he would start puttin' her in her place when she goes hard on him things would be fine. A babe like that can't have alittle nice dude like Jon, she'll just walk all over him. Kate needs a dude who'll get in her grill right back when she starts actin a fool. Sheain't gonna respect no other kinda fella.

The other disturbing thing about this chick is that she won't take responsibility for any of this. There's always a MFing excuse for her behavior. Iwas just wating for Jon to say, " F that Kate your just a b*$&*!!!!!"

I don't condone cheating...but in the immortal words of Chris Rock..."I can't say he shoulda done it...but I can understand."
This show has turned into a manufactured look into the life of the family. It all seems pretty "scripted" and abnormal now that there are constantcrossovers with other TV stars like Emeril, right?

Most of the charm should be from following an abnormally large family in their everyday lives... but that's being marred by family members having to signcontracts, endorsement deals, Jon and Kate dictating the themes, etc. etc. because we're no longer seeing a normal family living normal lives.

I'm not surprised that the family is finding itself in trouble. Running a TV show where the participants need bodyguards, makeup, etc. is totally differentthan running a family with TV cameras in place.
i always got the feeling Jon never wanted the show in the first Kate was always the one running things behind the scenes...i dont think Jon couldcare less about the attention like she someone else mentioned Kate stays nagging on him in public, I couldsee splitsville coming from a mile away...when they would be out at like the zoo or something, she would always get on his case about keeping track of whereall the children are, like they didn't have cameras following them around
Can't blame Jon for being frustrated, he def. is not smashing. Considering the way their kids were conceived, I wonder if Kate evar let Jon smash.
I'm calling this a publicity stunt. I bet TLC knew that the show was going nowhere soontime, so they decided to stir something up outta the ordinary. Allof a sudden these parents are involved in separate affairs, plus a random sex tape? And this came outta left center field, what happened to the hometownparents who just wanted to raise 8 children?

Now it seems like Jon and Kate are in this evil scheme, and Kate is on the verge of being a next celebrity screw-up (like britney spears)

While they are the focus of everyone's attention, no one is pointing the finger at TLC? I'm pretty sure anyone who's anyone could end up like thatif they were lured with that kind of money with a leash attached to the end. If TLC and other marketers weren't throwing money at these people like that,would octomom ever had existed?
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