Jordan 11 Gammas

Dec 29, 2014
I would like a price check and legit check for these gammas. :smile: Thanks in advance, I'd also like to know what I should use or to do clean these up, especially the outter sole area as it's pretty dirty.
It might be legit its just hard to tell because the previous owner abused those shoes. Looks like he went rock climbing for 3 days straight in them shoes. The real question is how much did you pay for those?
It might be legit its just hard to tell because the previous owner abused those shoes. Looks like he went rock climbing for 3 days straight in them shoes. The real question is how much did you pay for those?
Didn't even spend cash on em, paid a damn CS:GO Knife (Virtual game item worth like $150 usd lol) and he threw in beat up roshes along with the gammas
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u really cant tell. the fakes look the same as authentic a lot of the time. so if theyre used, the shoes will be even harder to determine. 11s dont age well.
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