Jordan Article

great read and lucky guy.
Zealot - Dark Templar - High Templar - Twilight Archon - Colossus - Stalker - Immortal
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nice, that would be hell of a good time :lol:
Russ.... congrats on getting invited! ... Surely something YOU won't ever forget either.... is your Bulls jersey at least a Champion? Or was it a personalized Adidas? Did they use the actual game accouncer or someone else? Must say that for someone that contributes so much to basketball, I'm glad you got to go.

... I'm VERY surprised people aren't harping on the fact that Steve (i$$) got to attend..... maybe NTers are growing up.... good job...

-jester - Custom Site - Personal Site
Jerry Krause gets WAY too much blame for dismantling the Bulls and nowhere near enough credit for assembling them.
ed it but he damn sure didn't finsh it.

That's not say it would have never ended, but the way it ended was unacceptable. Can you think of any other team in sports to have such a negative turnaround? Way to abrupt. That's indicative of poor management.

Pippen's constant harping about his contract wore on everyone,

So? Pay him. He's only one of the most complete players the game has ever seen. And he never constantly harped. There were moments when he wanted his. I can't blame him for that because he deserved it. It never affected the team - even when he refused to go in when Phil woudn't give'em the ball at the end.

Jordan seemed like he was definitely ready to walk away again,

Can you "definately seem"...? Contradictory. And guess what, he wasn't. SEE: Washington Wizards

I'm not sure if Dennis Rodman would have been able to keep it together for another season

Who was ever sure he could keep it together another day? Rodman was one of the best parts of that dynasty.

Not to mention Phil Jackson, while a terrific coach, is a master media manipulator and a nightmare for front offices, particularly his own. (See: Kobe drama.) The Bulls were going to implode at some point regardless.

That's a talent. You need a coach that can make the media believe what he says. It keeps the media in check. SEE: Bill Belichick. Sure, most hate'em, but he gives the media nothing and it works.

And he's a nightmare for front offices...? Is that why the Lakers hired him 2 times over. He has such a good relationship with the Lakers owner, he's with Dr. Buss' daughter. The Kobe drama should be blamed on.....well....Kobe.

The Bulls were going to implode at some point regardless....? So if you know something good is gonna end, end it prematurely. That is a loser philosophy. If it ain't broke, don't f*$# it up.

And keeping them together for one more year would have been damn near impossible given how much they would have had to pay Jordan and Pippen alone.

Another invalid point. How the do you know that? Common sense compells me to think they were one of the most proitable sports organizations of the century given there national and overseas popularity. If they could pay Jordan $25 mil for a year, they could pay Pippen what he deserves. There's ways to work it out. If others have to go - so be it. Part of what made them successful was their ability to surround J and Pip with talent. If others became expendable, so be it, but not those two.

Your points are invalid man. Were you a Bulls fan? It doesn't sound like it. Did you even know what was goin on? I'm not sayin' everything was perfect, but it coulda worked. When the head coach, the guy who's been managing these personalities for the last 10 or so years, says so, I'm inclined to believe him.
Hmm...just got a chance to read this article tonight...and after hearing from friends it was the best of the 3...I actually preferred Lang's account. I also thought it came off as awkwardly calculated that Scoop snubbed Lang/Russ off his list of writers in the beginning. :rolleyes
The B.O.P.​
sounds like a pretty good experince. i would love to do that.
oh yeah and another thing...... your reading my sig.
Scoop is on our side... so we should enjoy the article not hate on him. At least he shared it with us.
Jerry Krause gets WAY too much blame for dismantling the Bulls and nowhere near enough credit for assembling them.
[email protected]"all jordans start out ugly"
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