Jordan CDP Sellers on ebay

I saw a dude selling some fake 11/12 cdp's for near retail on ebay. The XIIs were so badly shaped and were the colors of the retroe that came out, not
the OGs like the real shoes. The XIs were awful too. Anyways, I looked at his feedback and it said something like 5 people had bought these fakes
and had given him positive feedback. He also had good feedback on some other stuff like cameras, shoes stuff like that. They were even thanking him
for the great deal on the "awesome" shoes. One guy paid $480!! These people can't be this stupid. What do you guys think? Do these fake sellershave
a way to leave good feedback on their accounts? If not, then don't even pay attention to feedback unless the seller has at least a few pages of greatness.
What does it mean when a sellers thing says that he has 100100% feedback, I've seen several sellers with that on there thing
Originally Posted by stifmyster23

What does it mean when a sellers thing says that he has 100100% feedback, I've seen several sellers with that on there thing

Read what I posted ^. Feedback is a bunch of garbage when people don't know what they are buying.
Don't buy from people with zero feedback or outside of the US. It's a fair chance that's it's FAKE! You get what you pay for. Always ask theseller for update picture before buying it if you're not too certain if it's real.
eBay's just too dicey. You have to research whatever you're thinking about buying from there and even then there's always the possibility that youwon't get what you paid for. eBay claims to protect buyers but they have a lot of hidden strings attached that surface when it's too late, even if youuse Paypal. You won't get your money back and then YOU'D have to do the legwork to get your money back. eBay's investigation process is a joke too.They don't tell you anything about it and common sense is left at the door too. If you got stiffed by an overseas buyer then unless you make travel plans,you're screwed.
Another feedback thing to keep in mind is if all of the shoe buyers have super low ratings. They really may not know any better.
ya no way they're legit. if you are looking on ebay go to first and look for the u want shoe on there. it will show u pretty much all ofthe legit j's on ebay
man I don't know whats up, I've been trying to sell my cdp 11/12 for the past month for RETAIL plus shipping and no one will buy them, yet I see 11sgoing for 250, and mine are DS and a sz11, a premium size, no takers on ebay either
sometimes i see that they are even from canada and I wont buy. I have boughten some shoes from canada and they were fake. But this is before I knew like 3 or 4years ago. But it all depends on there feedback.
ive also noticed if you dig a little deeper and check there feedback for the ones that have any...they are all by asian names...a lot of the time they will getfriends or what not to post feedback so it looks like they legit...but beware that is why i only purchase from usa sellers....
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