Jordan collectors

Rent and utilities paid off for the next 3 years because of Grad school scholarship. Refund from school is like 9 stacks a year on top of that. All other moneyi just stack or buy the kick i like.
I budget my money pretty well and I aint got no bills but I do have a girl but my girl is coo wit my kix addiction so it falls into place collecting till theday I die =D
sell drugs just kiddin. no wife make more than me but i bought a lot af stock (apple,microsoft,and banks backin the day) sold it all and put it in a rothretirement acct and watched it grow and bought a lot of apartments and homes. so invest shoe is second to my fam but their not starvin.
BallinB wrote:
kicks over everything
Originally Posted by Kix DooD

as long as family and mortgage/bills are str8, i keep an eye on joints i wanna cop.
(btw thanx NT for release dates)
that's how it should be.
Welcome to NT
it's called "hustle" and "budget" both of these things, when combined can lead to great things young grasshopper
lets do the math.

if you had 200 pairs of jordans

lets pertend they each cost you $200, which I think would be considered a very high average, but just for the sake of argument.

thats $40,000 spent.

if you are an older person, you probably have been collecting for several years, lets just say 5 years because thats a nice round number, not really large atall.

so you would have averaged $8,000 per year. $666 per month.

That is not an unreasonable amount. Pretty high but not unreasonable.

Even with an annual income of a relatively conservative $40,000 you are earning $3,333 each month.
Which would leave you with $2,666 to pay all your bills.

Which is not unreasonable.

Bear in mind all my numbers are made to err on the side of big spending.

Realistically, a person with 200 Jordans probably has an average cost closer to $150 (or less) and has probably been collecting closer to 10 years (or more).

With those numbers it is only $250 per month. Which really isnt a lofty number at all.
got 2 jobs and my wife has a pretty good job so that helps out alot any money we got left over we buy shoes were both sneaker heads

Wish I could find a girl who loves Js as much as me lol
Ive been doin this for so long that its really a addiction. W/4 kids, bills, mortgage, it still doesnt stop too much. I budget so well, plus w/the help of ebayI feed my addiction. Plus, I get a good bonus every month frm my gig, so paycheck takes care of the household, while bonus takes care of me.
I have 2 Jobs Painting (Not the Art one), and Freelance Graphics Design, I make fairly good amount of money off of it but there just not my cup of tea, I wantto do something I like which I don't even know what that is yet..
Just graduated from UW, about to apply to law school. Parents are helping me out a lot, plus I'm working and currently applying to a second job. luckily,the only Jordan I want in the next few months is the spacejams....and maybe the august VII chicago colorway (raptor)...and maybe a few XIIs....and a penny 3.God I'm poor.
Everybody has first priority's in there life, but some people can still manage to put some loot away for a hot jordan release.
I'm only 15, so I only get a new shoe like every 3-4 months..

Its about evening it out, and not dropping everything you have on it.
Only buy the shoes that you truly like and not because of the hype..that way you will save a lot of money.
I'm sure alot of people sell drugs or do other illegal things to get them. I do real estate, and have worked full-time since I was 18. Just gotta manageyour money right!! I may have alot of Jordans, but no matter what I ALWAYS make sure every bill is paid first. The only time I didn't was for theThunder's release in 2006 (i believe) and i had to lie to my apartment manager at the time, to give me a 2 week extension on the rent haha. oh yeah, andhaving a big family hasn't helped me at all, because they suck at buying shoes as gifts.
I also have 3 kids(one of which is my 14 yr. old son who collects j's w/me) first off...props to the dudes with kids who put family first. My kidsdon't have a price on their heads but my j's do. Just make sure you "prioritize" what's most important to you in your life. Who knows ifyou'll still be into j's when you get older...might be into other costly If you were raised proper youshouldn't have any issues managing your finances. good luck bro.
As you can obviously see I don't post a lot, I visit NT mainly to keep up with the latest JB news. But to answer the question at hand, I have and alwaystry to maintain two jobs. I have 4 kids, the earnings from my ft job goes directly to wifey, but my pt pay goes to sneaker collecting.
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