Jordan Retro 6 "CNY" $250 January 2018

DTLR doesn't send order confirmations right? Just a shipped email? Order shows "Picking"
When I was ordering I had to verify the closest Dtlr near me to complete my order. It was strange
When ordering from villa or dtlr i think they are the same company now
Always use PayPal if you can
I used to use CC on villa and they would always make me verify my order even tho I have an account and have ordered from them before
If it says “picking you should be good”
If it says “review or something else” you gotta call in and verify
Nah; didn't want it. The 6 is one of my favorites... but $250 for an old shoe with roses and fireworks? I don't get it.
i was about to say, this could be considered a "if you really wanted them, you have a pretty good chance at getting them" type release. resell isn't even bad right now, might get even better with all the sneakers that's about to come out
Love these!
Those hunting in LA. Footaction/Flight 23 in Culver City mall got their shipment in late. They had a pretty good size run, but only 1 or 2 pairs of each size. Info from 7pm pst 2-7-18. Cheers.
If you are in Houston and looking for them, the FootAction in Willowbrook mall have a limited number of them left. The manager would only say they didn't have many. I would call first. This was as of last evening (2/7). After seeing them in person, I thought they were unique, I thought they were actually cool but I would never wear them so I let them sit.
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