Jordan Retro Restocks

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also, the online releases are the same exact time that stores on the east coast open therefore its east coast people get it twice as bad. you have to choose either in store or online. miss out on either and your roast. west coast people get to miss out online and at least have 3 hrs to scamble for plan B.
By the time you need to scramble for plan B, theres a line 20-30 deep at the stores...its either online or store, make up your mind the night before...hoping I can get the Area 72s this week easily on the web.  

better than concurrent releases hands down.
i tried to cop a pair and pay with paypal, went through all the checkout pages, and got the "thank you you're order is placed" page. yet, the order isn't listed on my order history, and never received a fnl confirmation email. paypal has the payment as "pending..." i called customer service, and waited like twenty minutes, and got sick of the music in the background and hung up. you think this order has gone through?


if you did it via mobile, it wont show up in your order history. its promising that you got the order confirmation screen + that you didnt get canceled.
Nahh, nobody has time for "I know how you can get the bred 11 tomorrow..." "I know a secret everyone can easily cop with" or whatever ******** he was saying...Don't sit there and brag about it or "taunt" people like "I know something you don't" Either drop the info or keep it moving. What's the point of posting **** like that, wasting everyones time. then ten minutes later he's asking about backdoor and **** so everyone can help him... They should have different locked groups with people with no rep or without positive feedback.

ok ok u right my bad that is messed up dont brag about it if you not gonna help
I already gave up on paypal with FNL just use a CC. Paypal almost cost me to miss out on the 3's. NDC is the only place my paypal works 100% of the time with no BS 
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I know they are a hold but in the past it took a week to drop off. Just a pain

If you are that close to maxing out your credit card that $200-$600 in pending charges are a "pain" you may want to reconsider your spending habits.

Trying to buy sneakers I have altered my sleeping schedule to fit accordingly... I'm worried I have an addiction forming haha
To the people asking about's VERY likely it's still the same stock they originally received back in 2011. The odds they restock again.....not likely. Even if they do, you're only talking about a couple hundred pairs at most I'd bet.
A little off topic, but I thought the blue hue of the soles on the concords, 2013 fire red Vs, 2013 grapes, etc were not meant to yellow. A little insight would be helpful.
I  just got off the phone w FNL, here's what I found out:

1) I have been "flagged" on February 6th.
2) The flag had a comment about my "email" I used. (I use 3 diff emails for ordering).
3) She said it could have been because I tried "multiple attempts" to purchase on 2/6/2012.
4) She said AFTER 2 attempts, you get flagged (not sure if this is true).
5) "flagging" lasts anywhere from 2-30 days (2 weeks is the halfway point).
6) She suggested I don't even use PayPal on ANY major release.
7) She said the gift cards can ONLY be bought in $25/$50/$100.. so I would have to use multiple gift cards when I checkout.  

With this being said I'm going to do the following:

1) Always use the SAME EXACT email, address, phone number when I order from FNL.
2) Only make 2 attempts to purchase an item (exceptions will be made)
3) Try a pre-paid VISA / or a Gift Card


For those that feel bad, I put a lot of time into this release. I had all my macros setup with the backdoor links and had multiple CC's but still failed. I don't give up.. never. Just find better solutions
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Did not know this thread existed....smh..I need to step my shoe game up. Thanks for the info guys. Hopefully I can catch the next restock. Good luck to everyone else.
Meng... I was on my 3rd dream when this am FNL restock occurred!... Sucks being in the WC for releases and restocks that happen so early…. Regardless, congrats to those that were able to get something on today’s restock. :D :smokin
Don't use PayPal? Really? Never have I had problems using PayPal for anything including all yeezy 1's, yeezy 2, stuff this mornning and other limited releases.

They just have to suck it up and admit they messed up with the orders and call it a day. If I tryed to order and couldn't this morning due to these problems if argue till I get a coupon or something. It's their fault.
fnl checkout is more strict than getting a drivers license at the dmv...pretty soon you're gonna need first and last months rent, and security deposit to buy.
XI's were up at 7:51 I ordered by 755. Ordered 2nd pair for my son at 8:20 got email conformation for both.
Don't use PayPal? Really? Never have I had problems using PayPal for anything including all yeezy 1's, yeezy 2, stuff this mornning and other limited releases.

They just have to suck it up and admit they messed up with the orders and call it a day. If I tryed to order and couldn't this morning due to these problems if argue till I get a coupon or something. It's their fault.
Yeah, that's what she said and I have to agree with her. Remove PayPal from your list unless it's been working for you. She said PayPal is fine for mid-week general releases but for the hyped releases like the major Jordan's coming out, you don't want to use it. She said she's heard more and more problems using it (and if you have another source why use it).

This is coming from a FNL rep, she deals with complaints daily. My guess is that the PayPal authorizations take longer than the CC, and can also create issues with the address/info you have on your PayPal account VS you FNL account.
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Yeah, that's what she said and I have to agree with her. Remove PayPal from your list unless it's been working for you. She said PayPal is fine for mid-week general releases but for the hyped releases like the major Jordan's coming out, you don't want to use it. She said she's heard more and more problems using it (and if you have another source why use it).

This is coming from a FNL rep, she deals with complaints daily. My guess is that the PayPal authorizations take longer than the CC, and can also create issues with the address/info you have on your PayPal account VS you FNL account.

i tried to use paypal for my 88's on fnl and ended up getting kicked off the site and i missed the shoe
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