Jordan vs Kobe you decide.

There's this video on youtube that goes for about 10 mins and compares stats between MJ and kobe, MJ obviously comes out on top, I'd post the link but I can't seem to find the vid
I can't believe people think Kobe is better than MJ.... I've heard it all..... I've seen them both play and there is no comparison, Kobe is a very very good player but come on.......
MJ >Kobe

MJ impact on the game was way more dominant even in his declining years which he still peaked. Kobe is the only one who is in the same breath as him tho........ Bill still the greatest, he won 11 rings!!!
Both are amazing at what they do i just think on the court MJ was just so much hungrier than Kobe but thats my opinion
Take it to the Sports Forum...

However, this topic has been beaten to death so much that the guys over there will probably give you a hard time...
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