Jordan XI Stories

Jul 29, 2005
I know Air Jordan posts have been done to death on here, but I have never seen one like this. I'm guessing from this topic, you know my favorite shoe isthe AJ XI. I want anyone who has a unique AJ XI story to share it. I'm not talking about waiting on line all night or whatever. I have a few of them, forexample, I have all 5 AJ XI retro mids, I got all of them AFTER the release day and didn't pay a ransom amount for all of them, lol. I'll start with myfirst pair: I got the Cool Grey XI, when I first started working at Niketown. I didn't expect to get them, but someone had them stashed on a shelf andanother person that worked with me knew I wanted a pair badly. He showed me the stash, and I bought that pair for $75 later that week. Mind you, these soldout in hours and the re-sell was ridiculous at this point. If you want to hear the others, I will gladly share, and please no hating because I worked in a shoestore. All of these were pure luck, a lot of them dried up at this point. One
i wasn't as lucky as you getting those cg xi's for $75 but i was lucky in a way i got my pair of cg's. me and my bro was about to hit the YMCA gymand play some hoops with his friend and i only had 1 pair of shoes that time and we passed by this mom and pops store somewhere in the valley and they had thecg xi in my size for retail when in fact it was chaotic on other stores when they released so i was surprised they had them there late in the day already. isccoped it up for retail and unfortunately beat my pair. oh well at least i got to use them and got my money's worth
I didn't get the OG concords they was to steep for my 18 year old wallet, but I coulda got them and ever since then I been regretting it. Last Month Ithrew a good amount at some ICEY DS 2000 retro 'cords and am happy as a little girl now and yes I am gonna unDS them as soon as the sun starts shining'til 6 pm, they is mine to keep. FIN.
I didn't get the OG concords they was to steep for my 18 year old wallet, but I coulda got them and ever since then I been regretting it. Last Month Ithrew a good amount at some ICEY DS 2000 retro 'cords and am happy as a little girl now and yes I am gonna unDS them as soon as the sun starts shining'til 6 pm, they is mine to keep. FIN.
AJ XI is also my favorite shoe of all time, the first time i saw that shoe way back in '95 i said to my self i want to cop those concords (for me the BESTcolorway ever) but due to insuficient funds during that time coz i was only 2nd year hs, i wasnt able to cop those xi's. Now after 14 YEARS i already havemy chance to cop one and i did though it's not the concords but the DS icy sole DMP xi's, thanks to my friend from CDO here in the Philippines.
This is the story that changed my shoe wearing/collecting. I had already bought my concord and space jams that year, and went for the cool grey's. Thefirst mall I went to was already lined up, so I left and drove thirty minutes to another FootAction. They had just opened and I went in , asked for a 10.5, andluckily got the last one. I was about to pay and heard this woman just ripping her teenage son apart because they got up at 6 and drove thirty miles to twodifferent stores and still got nothing. He wore a 10.5, and had on a ratted old pair of Target shoes. You know I gave them up, standing there in my Space Jams.I thought kid was going to kiss me. Made me realize I spent too much thought and money on these shoes.
I had all the OG XIs thru High School..only ones I got early was the bred colorway...Evergreen Plaza Chitown FTW back then. Crossroads by Bone Thugs was on theradio all day and I went to school str8 stunting!

IMO getting kicks early back then was waay different then getting kicks early now. You walked around like the prez!
Bought my OG concords about a week after release date, still sittin on the shelves at foot locker, wore them to 6th grade basketball camp and they were sweet.Suprisingly everyone else thought they were rediculous, ugly, etc, now everyone thinks they are one of the greatest shoes of all time, someday I will get apair of DS Size 13 OG's for my collection, by far the best shoe ever IMO.
Originally Posted by duke4005

This is the story that changed my shoe wearing/collecting. I had already bought my concord and space jams that year, and went for the cool grey's. The first mall I went to was already lined up, so I left and drove thirty minutes to another FootAction. They had just opened and I went in , asked for a 10.5, and luckily got the last one. I was about to pay and heard this woman just ripping her teenage son apart because they got up at 6 and drove thirty miles to two different stores and still got nothing. He wore a 10.5, and had on a ratted old pair of Target shoes. You know I gave them up, standing there in my Space Jams. I thought kid was going to kiss me. Made me realize I spent too much thought and money on these shoes.
Way to be, I bet you're one of the few on here that would even consider the fact that someone else wanted them and probably wanted them more. You'll get yours for that someday.
i remember skipping school my sr year of hs so i could cop the concords, i was the first one at school with them
Originally Posted by duke4005

This is the story that changed my shoe wearing/collecting. I had already bought my concord and space jams that year, and went for the cool grey's. The first mall I went to was already lined up, so I left and drove thirty minutes to another FootAction. They had just opened and I went in , asked for a 10.5, and luckily got the last one. I was about to pay and heard this woman just ripping her teenage son apart because they got up at 6 and drove thirty miles to two different stores and still got nothing. He wore a 10.5, and had on a ratted old pair of Target shoes. You know I gave them up, standing there in my Space Jams. I thought kid was going to kiss me. Made me realize I spent too much thought and money on these shoes.

*cue the claps Gif*

+100 to you man. I probably would have took them but thats something.
Originally Posted by duke4005

This is the story that changed my shoe wearing/collecting. I had already bought my concord and space jams that year, and went for the cool grey's. The first mall I went to was already lined up, so I left and drove thirty minutes to another FootAction. They had just opened and I went in , asked for a 10.5, and luckily got the last one. I was about to pay and heard this woman just ripping her teenage son apart because they got up at 6 and drove thirty miles to two different stores and still got nothing. He wore a 10.5, and had on a ratted old pair of Target shoes. You know I gave them up, standing there in my Space Jams. I thought kid was going to kiss me. Made me realize I spent too much thought and money on these shoes.
honestly I don't think I would have done what you did...nevertheless good story.

...I got my first pair of XI's in Dec. from the CDP...first and hopefully the last time I had posted up early for some shoes.
i found out the productnumber of the cg xi's here on niketalk, then called eastbay a few weeks before release date, placed an order an two days afterrelease date i got them in the mail.
In middle school in December and had the blk/red XI and the Air Max Diamond Turf in each of my hands and went with the DTIIIs. With the BLk/red XI being myfavorite shoe of all time, why did I go with the Deion's??? A beautiful mind type of thing and here's why I did it: 1. I have true loyalty and eventhough I was a two sporter, Deion Sanders was my favorite athlete and living I'm Atlanta,and before he left, that's who I was more intrigued with beinga football player first. Then, 01 comes and I'm reunited with my most precious XI. Fast forward a bit, I come across the OG Blk/red XI and scoop that aswell. Fast forward AGAIN I'm a junior in college and I get the daimond turf again to play a game in on turf and a year later they retro the shoe and it ispure trash!!!! So to end my somewhat of a story, this past December I copped 3 of the 11/12 CDP, so that's an air DT Max as a kid, an 01 retro XI, an OGXI, an OG DT Max a year before knowing that it would be retroed.....HORRIBLY, and 3 CDP XIs.......5 to 2. Looks like I played that quite nicely starting backin Dec. 95
1st kid in my hs with them,1995 my freshman yr. some upperclassmen tried to get smart and "look" at them up close but i wasn't haven't it andnether was my lil crew so ol' boy got a good look at that icey sole to the dome piece
Originally Posted by FrankWh1te

1st kid in my hs with them,1995 my freshman yr. some upperclassmen tried to get smart and "look" at them up close but i wasn't haven't it and nether was my lil crew so ol' boy got a good look at that icey sole to the dome piece

You and your buddies jumped a dude for "looking" at your shoes?
Thats not a very good story.
Originally Posted by duke4005

This is the story that changed my shoe wearing/collecting. I had already bought my concord and space jams that year, and went for the cool grey's. The first mall I went to was already lined up, so I left and drove thirty minutes to another FootAction. They had just opened and I went in , asked for a 10.5, and luckily got the last one. I was about to pay and heard this woman just ripping her teenage son apart because they got up at 6 and drove thirty miles to two different stores and still got nothing. He wore a 10.5, and had on a ratted old pair of Target shoes. You know I gave them up, standing there in my Space Jams. I thought kid was going to kiss me. Made me realize I spent too much thought and money on these shoes.
your a good man. need more people like u.
That is a great story Duke, it warms my heart to hear that. It's nice to look out for the younger ones. Since it was my first pair, I wouldn't havenecessarily done that. Now that I have at least one pair of each, if I see a kid in need, I would do it. It's good to see you weren't gonna cop forresale, it's a shame nowadays....
i remember in 8th grade i was at an end of year party rockin my concords and i stepped into a large mud puddle ruining my xi's and the rest of theevening....came home my mom tried to belach them, but they were never the same...
Ok, I know some of y'all might be a bit sick with this story as most people are, but this is a VERY lucky and rare situation. This happened around June of 2001, while I was working at niketown. I went into work on a friday morning, and my manager asked me to go get something by the mismate boxe. I go near the boxand what do I see? One Spacejam sticking out in the bunch of the shoes (they were all tangled, laces and all). I take the shoes out to see if the other shoewas in there, and sure enough it was. Now knowing that these shoes are long gone, I inspected both shoes to make sure that they weren't fake. For somereason, the store accepted AJ's that were fake because people at customer service couldn't tell a fake from a pro ked, (I keed, I keed lol). Anyway,they checked out and I asked my manager to hold the shoes for me until the next week, graciously he did so. I got a box for the shoe and the next week Icopped. But here is the best part, the person rang up my shoes and they were on sale for $89.99, and with my discount, they came out to about $54. Icouldn't believe my eyes, and it was the second best day I ever had at niketown. And as a kicker, I was offered another pair of spacejams by anotherco-worker two months later because he wanted to use my discount, but I turned him down because I wanted to buy football jerseys....not smart on my part.
. Oh yeah, if you want me to post pictures, I will, just let meknow. And anyone else if you want to post pics, feel free. More stories to come.........
Cool gray 11s sat on the shelf and actually went on clearance in Indianapolis. Didn't have to stash any, but regret not copping a pair.
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