Jordan XIV Breds under retail anywhere yet?

They will be marked down soon if they continue to sit on the shelves.
I tried using my coupon at FNL today but I got the whole "Jordans are excluded from any discounts" deal
It didn't hurt to try.

Trying to walk through the mall to go to FNL was one of the most hardest things I had to do
Sorry, "Last Shots" it is. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm going to go kill myself now, as to not dishonor my (Niketalk) family.

Thanks for the info fellas. I will try FNL with my coupon at the mall, hope it works- the website blocked it.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

they're too ugly for $160

but for about $120 they look amazing

QFT. I can't see myself dropping 160. Or paying more than retail was on ANY retro. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't these 149 when they came out the first time?
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

they're too ugly for $160

but for about $120 they look amazing

At $80 and some change, they're almost coppable.
Might hit outlet soon, but it'll probably still be around 130. The same route when the Cough Drops retroed.
Originally Posted by Hartattack52

They are still sitting on the shelves here.
Same here, but it's a shame.
This shoe has a lot more history to it than most people recognize.

Nobody ever shows love to 14's though.

Everyone hypes over 3-13 and 14's no matter how dope the colorway, like the "Georgetown" 14's of last year, always sit on the shelves.

Well I started calling around, and to heck with them being on sale, I couldnt find them in my size PERIOD! Anywhere! I tried FTL and Finishline store locators, a couple of stores were supposed to have my size but I called and they were sold out. I called 30 stores today until I finally found a place about 30 minutes away that had them.

So I broke down and paid retail :'( Oh well got em now!
Last time they retroed I remember getting them from Champs for $99.
I couldn't believe they were retroing again, because I didn't think they sold well.
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