Judge William Adams beats his daughter, Youtube vid

Nov 12, 2008

Its crazy how this dude has qualified to pass judgment on others...There is cursing and loud crying by the girl so I wont embed
Okay? Kids get beat by their parents everyday
that %*$+ the worse video i have watched since jar squatter.
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Okay? Kids get beat by their parents everyday


I've seen a lady lose custody of her son for giving him a spanking, A SPANKING!

Can't even touch kids nowadays (pause) without people thinking it's abuse.
*ye shrug* that's how my mom 'was.'

wait that was abuse?

+@+# remind me of video of that girl underneath the bed from Sixth Sense though....
2004: Aransas County Court-At-Law Judge William Adams took a belt to his own teenage daughter as punishment for using the internet to acquire music and games that were unavailable for legal purchase at the time. She has had ataxic cerebral palsy from birth that led her to a passion for technology, which was strictly forbidden by her father's backwards views. The judge's wife was emotionally abused herself and was severely manipulated into assisting the beating and should not be blamed for any content in this video. The judge's wife has since left the marriage due to the abuse, which continues to this day, and has sincerely apologized and repented for her part and for allowing such a thing, long before this video was even revealed to exist. Judge William Adams is not fit to be anywhere near the law system if he can't even exercise fit judgement as a parent himself. Do not allow this man to ever be re-elected again. His "judgement" is a giant farce. Signed, Hillary Adams, his daughter.


description on the video
Although he did go in, I see nothing wrong with whipping your child. Hell, I got beat worse than that growing up and never thought, not even for a second, thought that it was abuse. Unfortunately for Judge Adams however, this will not end well for him.
Is it bad that I don't see anything wrong with that video? Especially since it's taken out of context. I was raised with values, and FEARED my dad when he got home from work if I %+*+#* up.

Looking back on it, it made me a better man and people should understand what is the difference in blatant abuse and discipline.
Originally Posted by sneekerluvr

Although he did go in, I see nothing wrong with whipping your child. Hell, I got beat worse than that growing up and never thought, not even for a second, thought that it was abuse. Unfortunately for Judge Adams however, this will not end well for him.
her storys kinda sad.....Did you watch her other videos playing the piano.....

seems like shes into video games heavy.
I must be from the old school, but I don't see anything wrong with it. She was getting a punishment, it wasn't like he was doing it for no reason. Also, he wasn't hitting her in the head or anything.
i myself has gotten the belt when i was a kid, but not like this.. not more than 5 spanks, this people are ruthless! shame on you guys saying your fine with this. he freaking got another belt! who does that?
F that.....All the cats siding with this type of discipline.....THIS is not the way.......Cussing and beating your son/daughter? Not flying.......must agree with a youtube poster who said this:
"proper "discipline" never involves such anger and hate from the parent, that is not what it is about. Also, it stops becoming an effective method the older a kid gets. A 16 year old being beaten by her father is not "discipline" in any form. He is beating her out of anger and it's obvious from the video "discipline" has nothing to do with it"

16 y/o still getting whupped?

Edit: Just watched the video. That isn't right the father especially was being abusive.
Originally Posted by sneekerluvr

Although he did go in, I see nothing wrong with whipping your child. Hell, I got beat worse than that growing up and never thought, not even for a second, thought that it was abuse. Unfortunately for Judge Adams however, this will not end well for him.
So essentially, you see nothing wrong in resorting to violence on a minor who is clearly much weaker than you? Okay cool.
You don't gain anything from doing that. Only thing that comes outta that is a child that fears their parent.
Thought it would be much worse since they're white. As far as I see it, that wasn't that bad.

The youtube description is shameless. Excuses for the daughter and the mother who helped. Talking about cerebral palsy, manipulation of the mother, and emotional abuse.

Looked like fit judgment to me. Your dad don't want you stealing music and games from the internet, don't get caught doing it.
The girl has cerebral palsy btw, and she got beat like that for downloading music on a computer?

Not cool to me.
where the hell was the discipline? Seemed to me like the father was having a power trip and just went in. SMH
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

The girl has cerebral palsy btw, and she got beat like that for downloading music on a computer?

Not cool to me.

I read this too, cmon son
There's no way that man's actions can be excused under the guise of discipline -that was violent abuse plain and simple.
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