Jury Duty Appreciation

Jan 3, 2008
I just got out of Jury Duty... It was the craziest thing I've ever done.

Not only did we almost let an guilty man go, but it was declared a mistrial.

Have any of you all done it? Experiences?
I was an alternate for a child molestation case last year.

That sucked having to listen to all that.
I always pray I don't get called to serve.

There are a lot of unemployed people out there, why not have them appear for jury duty?

Just my opinion.
Appreciated when it gets you out of work and then you don't get called so there is potential that you will get out of work again down the line.
I've never had to do it, but do all the people that say they don't like not have an interest in law? JW, 'cause I feel like I'd find itinteresting if I was part of a jury.
Mine was a child molestation case.

But the short story:

We thought the cases presented made the man innocent while in fact the prosecutor didn't have time to finish making the case and so we thought it wasreally inconclusive but in fact the guy was already serving 20 years but we had no idea...

I'll post more about it in a bit...i'm doing something for class
I got called a few years back and got to serve on the jury. This case was about a man who lived on a farm and had a wife dieing of cancer in bed rest. Theneighboring farmer had a company come out and had a helicopter crop dust (spray for bugs). The guy got pissed about the helicopter bothering his wife so hepulled a loaded shotgun on it. He was also drunk at the time. Shotgun+alcohol= felony. Yeah, I lived in Wisconsin at time...
Originally Posted by gko2408

I've never had to do it, but do all the people that say they don't like not have an interest in law? JW, 'cause I feel like I'd find it interesting if I was part of a jury.

I feel the same way. I think it would kind of intriguing. sometimes I feel like people don't like jury duty, becasue it's the "cool"thing to not want to do it
i think people don't like jury duty because it takes you away from your family, friends, a job that you presumably enjoy, you get paid likecrap.......should i keep going?
I got out of it the last time because I had other things already planned. The case was boring as hell anyway.

I want to do it some time in the future, though. The experience wasn't bad at all, though... other than the freakin' blackout my first day.
I have to go duty on April 10th. What's it like? Waiting...how long/many days? I don't wanna miss work/class for this.

My friend told me he got called to to Jury duty but when he got there, they said they didn't need him anymore. No way I can get out of it huh?
I've had to testify before a grand jury.....pretty neat experience

never have served on Jury Duty though...don't think i'd particularly enjoy it....but I'd serve gladly if I was ever picked....just my civic duty todo so.
Originally Posted by DC5 06

I have to go duty on April 10th. What's it like? Waiting...how long/many days? I don't wanna miss work/class for this.

My friend told me he got called to to Jury duty but when he got there, they said they didn't need him anymore. No way I can get out of it huh?

Well, you should be able to get out of it if you have to go to school, and they'll likely reschedule it to a time when you're free.
It's awhole lot of waiting. I was sitting in the jury pool for about 5 hours waiting to be called... then we went into a smaller room for the voir dire. The nest dayI had to wait for about 3 hours to be called up to the same room to continue the voir dire. I was only there for 2 days, and I was free afterward. It washonestly pretty cool, but you had better have something to read while you're waiting.

sat around for 8 hours doing nothing while they played mediocre comedies on small tv's with no sound.
Is it easy to get out of?

I just got the letter asking to serve but I have Finals the week they want me to serve. Also I am starting my summer summester 2 weeks after that.

Do I have a chance of not getting chosen at all or will they reschedule me?
mine was like a 2-3 day case. guy was accused of rape but there wasnt enough evidence so we let him go
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