Just curious ... NT Whats your take on Nancy Grace & the whole HLN Network?

Jan 3, 2011
First of all... im all for seeking justice, especially for murders, manslaughter, assaults and stuff like that ... i get their effort to voice their opinion on seeking justice. And of course they do postive things. 
& Personally, i have a "background" ..

But the thing i hate thee most about that whole network, is that they ALL sit on their high horses and stand on their pedestal.

They believe that anyone who has made a mistake in their lifes (which everyone does) are horrible people. If you have a criminal charge or done time, u r the devil.

And no im not defending Casey Anthony, as i personally think she did it. But give credit to the Defense attorneys cause they pointed out the gaps/flaws in the investigation of how caylee died. But i remember when 

she spoke up about the jurors.. And started listing and naming off their personal run ins with the law... And basically belittling them on some "You cant trust these people." type steez. 
 And im sure there are Jurors 

out there that cant be trusted. But She made that the base of her argument.

Plus they were all Prosecuting Attorneys.. Not saying that its a horrible thing but they only see the world through their side of the court & think if you 

make a mistake or have a background. Big or small. You deserve to be hung. That you are less of a human. That you dont have the potential to be a good person. 

And also, when Caseys defense attorney went to go have a drink after he got Casey aquitted of all the major charges, She (Nancy) says theyre dancing with the devil...? The man, was bascally reitculeed  the entire 

process and wins his case for his client DOING HIS JOB on a NATIONAL STAGE and u cant have a drink to pat yourself on the back? But instead u r dancing with the devil? Like cmon son 
First of all... im all for seeking justice, especially for murders, manslaughter, assaults and stuff like that ... i get their effort to voice their opinion on seeking justice. And of course they do postive things. 
& Personally, i have a "background" ..

But the thing i hate thee most about that whole network, is that they ALL sit on their high horses and stand on their pedestal.

They believe that anyone who has made a mistake in their lifes (which everyone does) are horrible people. If you have a criminal charge or done time, u r the devil.

And no im not defending Casey Anthony, as i personally think she did it. But give credit to the Defense attorneys cause they pointed out the gaps/flaws in the investigation of how caylee died. But i remember when 

she spoke up about the jurors.. And started listing and naming off their personal run ins with the law... And basically belittling them on some "You cant trust these people." type steez. 
 And im sure there are Jurors 

out there that cant be trusted. But She made that the base of her argument.

Plus they were all Prosecuting Attorneys.. Not saying that its a horrible thing but they only see the world through their side of the court & think if you 

make a mistake or have a background. Big or small. You deserve to be hung. That you are less of a human. That you dont have the potential to be a good person. 

And also, when Caseys defense attorney went to go have a drink after he got Casey aquitted of all the major charges, She (Nancy) says theyre dancing with the devil...? The man, was bascally reitculeed  the entire 

process and wins his case for his client DOING HIS JOB on a NATIONAL STAGE and u cant have a drink to pat yourself on the back? But instead u r dancing with the devil? Like cmon son 
nancy grace is a classic example of the term "delusions of grandeur".

according to herself, she knows the world and whats right and wrong and shes the most perfect person ever.
she cannot have a debate without screaming that she knows better.

i hate her and i wish she would die honestly.

and this is from catching 2 episodes of her show
nancy grace is a classic example of the term "delusions of grandeur".

according to herself, she knows the world and whats right and wrong and shes the most perfect person ever.
she cannot have a debate without screaming that she knows better.

i hate her and i wish she would die honestly.

and this is from catching 2 episodes of her show
It's entertainment, not news.

She makes a lot of money to have outlandish and biased views, unfortunately people are influenced by this sensationalism and eat it up as gospel.

Her and her kind are awful.
It's entertainment, not news.

She makes a lot of money to have outlandish and biased views, unfortunately people are influenced by this sensationalism and eat it up as gospel.

Her and her kind are awful.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

i hate her and i wish she would die honestly.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

I hope she gets Ebola, transmits it to her loved ones and gets thrown screaming from a helicopter.


I didn't think she was half bad
Originally Posted by likethematrix

i hate her and i wish she would die honestly.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

I hope she gets Ebola, transmits it to her loved ones and gets thrown screaming from a helicopter.


I didn't think she was half bad
Part of her whole gimmick is to be overly outrageous about the topics on the show. Its how she makes her money. That said, I dont like her nor do I agree with most of her arguments.
Part of her whole gimmick is to be overly outrageous about the topics on the show. Its how she makes her money. That said, I dont like her nor do I agree with most of her arguments.
Nancy Grace just caters to her audience. With that said, +#+% her and everyone like her. I fully support the Ebola statement.
Nancy Grace just caters to her audience. With that said, +#+% her and everyone like her. I fully support the Ebola statement.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

It's entertainment, not news.

When I was unemployed, I used to watch Nancy Grace almost every day. It was when that dude killed the chick at Yale and stuffed her in the wall.
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