Just got a new Mac Book Pro...

RapidoResizer. (Drag & Drop re-size application for photos)

Does anyone know how I can get on Ichat? Do I need a program, or a .Mac account?
I also recommend you guys check out NeoOffice.. it's an open source program that emulates the Microsoft OfficeSuite. Completely free and does everything Office does.. but also allows you to export your documents as PDF files..

For chatting.. I'd recommend getting Adium.. lets you log into your AIM, Gmail chat, Yahoo, MSN, Myspace IM,Jabber, ICQ and a host of other chat clients.

For the guy asking about Garage Band.. it's a good program for beginners.. or people who don't know a great deal about recording software.. I run ProTools, Reason and Logic on my Macbook.. but do so mainly for editing/light composing.. so I really don't have much use for Garage Band.. but I some peoplewho still record into Garage Band before exporting to either Logic or Pro Tools.. it's a simple interface that works.. if you're just trying to recordsimple tunes then it'll work great.. but if you're trying to produce beats or do any electronic based music.. you will want to look into getting a moreadvanced software.
I don't want to sound like a commercial, but if you plan on doing any project management, note taking, to do lists, web archiving, presentations,sketching, brainstorming, cataloguing or documentation of any kind I highly suggest Curio. A friend turned me onto it a little while back and for the things Ineed to do it's one of the best programs I've come across for OSX.
wow NT really came through. I was only expecting a few responses but thanks guys, i now have a ton of useful programs. That cario program seems reallycool bro, i just dont have the money to buy anything right now i already spent all of it on the actual computer
man i love macs now
iChat comes with the computer. Click your HDD on your desktop on the sidebar go into Applications look for iChat double click, it will ask you what kind ofAccount you have AIM,Jabber,.Mac..etc Click on AIM or whatever it is you use, Enter your Handle, and password and you are on iChat my friend.
itouch features in the new MBP revolutionized the way i browse the net and work in creative suite. $@!% is amazing.

also... as a few others have stated.... welcome to the family.
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