Just got electricity back after 4 days

Makes you appreciate the little things huh? 

[h2]How Global Warming Will Make Hurricanes Like Irene Worse[/h2][h5]By Joe Romm, ThinkProgress
Posted on August 29, 2011, Printed on August 31, 2011

Climate science suggests that global warming will make hurricanes like Irene more destructive in three ways (all things being equal):
  1. Sea level rise makes storm surges more destructive.
  2. “Owing to higher SSTs [sea surface temperatures] from human activities, the increased water vapor in the atmosphere leads to 5 to 10% more rainfall and increases the risk of flooding,
If i dont got power. Im going to another city and staying in a Hotel/Motel.

You shouldve drove to Boston.
At least walk to the local restaurant for the bathroom or somethin, thats rancid.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

If i dont got power. Im going to another city and staying in a Hotel/Motel.

You shouldve drove to Boston.
I was close to it. All the neighbors were roughing it though. I would have felt like a vag,
I was out of power for 21 days back in the day from that nasty ice storm in the 90's. Was pretty crazy. Luckily our stove was gas and we had a bunch of kerosene lamps cause I lived in the country.

FYI when you dump water in a toilet to make it flush, you dump it in the bowl itself and that makes the pressure to flush. We were collecting drip water from our roof in mud buckets and using that
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Brah my power was out a day, and my schedule was like this: eat, fap, COD, eat, fap, fap, COD, eat, fap, fap, fap, bedtime 
i always play COD with out electricity
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Brah my power was out a day, and my schedule was like this: eat, fap, COD, eat, fap, fap, COD, eat, fap, fap, fap, bedtime 
i always play COD with out electricity
Was gonna post the same thing. +1 
Originally Posted by RickyBattalion

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Brah my power was out a day, and my schedule was like this: eat, fap, COD, eat, fap, fap, COD, eat, fap, fap, fap, bedtime 
i always play COD with out electricity
Was gonna post the same thing. +1 
 am i missing something guys? Am i stupid? I don't get how you guys are playing COD with no electricity 

I feel your pain, i live in houston and when hurricane ike hit, i didnt have water or power for 2 weeks. We had to crap in the woods down the block, i went 5 days without a shower, i felt so disgusting i didnt even want to sleep in my own bed. So we ended up finding a shower in a pool locker room in these apartments that had water and power across town, no one knew about it so we kept it a secret. We found a guy down the street who had power, dude was charging people $50 an hour to use his outlets, he was making mad cash. He also had gasoline, he was charging $20 a gallon. Nearly every freaking gas station was out of gas, and whenever one did get a refill, there was a line of cars that went half a mile. I waited 3 hours to get my gas. Every grocery store was sold out of all the good stuff. Almost every traffic light was out, not even blinking, just off, so traffic was horrible, what would normally be a 10 minute drive was now over an hour. It really really sucked. I learned alot from that storm. I learned that there are so many things that we take for granted, like AC, lamps, pay phones and land lines, showers, sinks, gasoline etc...And this was only a category 1, i cant even fathom what all those people went through in New Orleans when Katrina hit.
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