Just got fired yesterday vol. Merry Christmas

No disrespect OP but it sounds like you weren't exactly working for a very professional business in the first place so I dunno if you have many options. Since there is no HR, you might just have to settle this on your own. Call up your "boss" and try to talk it out and convince him to stay. Hiring a new person and having to spend the amount of time training them and adjusting to them on the job vs. you improving whatever flaw he thinks you have.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

"Washington is what's called an "at will" state. Employers may hire and fire "at will." There are no laws regarding termination, so employers are not required to give warnings or follow any particular steps. If you want or need to know the reason for discharge, you may send a written request asking the employer for a signed written statement of the reason for your discharge and the effective date. Employers are required to respond to the request in writing within 10 days. 
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

 Don't feel like you are being a bad dad for losing your job. That is out of your control. The fact that you are there for your kids is the most important part.

Talk to your landlord and tell him/her about your situation, hopefully they will understand especially if you have been good with rent in the past.

Pump out as many job applications as you can, everyday and hope someone bites.

Originally Posted by WaitWut

OP right now is a good time to start looking for a job because around jan is when a lot of places are hiring
terrible boss though i wouldve left when he got arrested for cocaine
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Sidenote to the OP:

Let this be a lesson
to you all to have money set aside in case of emergencies.

There is no reason we shouldnt be able to make the current month's rent in situations like this.

Best of luck.
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

say you never got the text and go there in person

The Revenge
Do ^  George Cantstandya 
Hope that you can find another job soon OP. It's rough out there. Just stay positive and start submitting those resume's ASAP.
That's bad I agree. MY friend who works for a PE company told me how when they bought a company back in early November, they told the CEO of that company to fire 20% of the workforce on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. It really does suck and I would never want to be in that situation myself.
Maybe you should move to an area with lower rent for a while? Are you paying off a house? Maybe there are some government programs if so. 

Maybe its for the better. You lost this job just to find a better one. Think of it as a Christmas present.

(trying to stay positive.)
Originally Posted by BOMB SQUAD RECORDS

Trust when I say I did nothing wrong. I always just went to work and did my job. The owner has been acting crazy since he was arrested on cocaine poss a few months back. I never had any run ins with him or anyone else. His business was struggling so I think he was just letting me go to save money. I feel like q bad dad because I feel like I let my family down. If I don't find work in the next week we won't make rent.

I'm really sorry to hear about your situation.
 It's something I fear; I'm fortunate in that I don't have any children or rent to worry about, it's debt (CC and Student Loans) that I'd be freaking out over should that happen to me... 
I really hope things get better for you very soon, and that you are somehow able to come across a better job soon. 

Stay Positive.
Your boss is a douche bag for doing it through text. If you still collect kicks you could always sell some if worse comes to worst. good luck
Constantly look for work fam.

Convince employers you're down for whatever.

What I've learned is that when you think life is over, it just actually might be a new beginning.

Maybe you'll find something where your boss isn't a lunatic, more stable, or better in the long run.

Best of luck my dude. Keep your head up.
Originally Posted by BronLe

Ya boss did you dirty, were you naughty homie? Cause that was coal
Looks like its time for you to be investing in baking soda and stoves (flame noise)


That dude MonStar really thought he was doing it with the rhymes, too
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

damb fam, maybe it is divine intervention. Hang it there and create growth out of this!


 Seriously, its one thing to offer suggestions to help the OP but its another to assert that this is a time for him to sit back.
You already know I don't believe in a higher power...I also never told him to "sit back"..but i'll tell you to

I meant it in, maybe something better will come out of this, find a better job - learn something, you know... adapt and grow, or fold. Choices.
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