!+! Just got Real... Vol Facebook Video Chat....

so who is gonna be the first to GIC then expose the other person on FB?

we know its comin...just a matter of time
Originally Posted by jhobson5

This is out of control. Facebook already consumes most people's life as is. I remember when I got on facebook in 05' and it was only college kids, only certain colleges were allowed to use it. Those were the days. Now everyone and their mothers (literally) have facebook. I know one thing if my dad ever has a facebook account I am shutting mine down. 

cool story bro.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

This is out of control. Facebook already consumes most people's life as is. I remember when I got on facebook in 05' and it was only college kids, only certain colleges were allowed to use it. Those were the days. Now everyone and their mothers (literally) have facebook. I know one thing if my dad ever has a facebook account I am shutting mine down. 

cool story bro.
Was never into the FB craze but I damn near wanna see what's good with this, especially since I already have the camera on deck via Macbook hmmmmmmm, decisions decisions.
Was never into the FB craze but I damn near wanna see what's good with this, especially since I already have the camera on deck via Macbook hmmmmmmm, decisions decisions.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

This is out of control. Facebook already consumes most people's life as is. I remember when I got on facebook in 04' and it was only college kids, only certain colleges were allowed to use it. Those were the days. Now everyone and their mothers (literally) have facebook. I know one thing if my dad ever has a facebook account I am shutting mine down. 
Originally Posted by jhobson5

This is out of control. Facebook already consumes most people's life as is. I remember when I got on facebook in 04' and it was only college kids, only certain colleges were allowed to use it. Those were the days. Now everyone and their mothers (literally) have facebook. I know one thing if my dad ever has a facebook account I am shutting mine down. 
Originally Posted by kickstart

 tell me this is real

Crazy Cause Ive Been Talkin About This For The Longest An They Finally Done It...

Facebook Jus Gave Itself A Much Longer Life Span...

Crazy Cause Ive Been Talkin About This For The Longest An They Finally Done It...

Facebook Jus Gave Itself A Much Longer Life Span...
That gif

I don't know why people add their family on facebook really. If you have that kinda of relationship all props to you. But anything I say or think they'll know about it one way or another. There certain family members you don't want to see doing mirror pics.
That gif

I don't know why people add their family on facebook really. If you have that kinda of relationship all props to you. But anything I say or think they'll know about it one way or another. There certain family members you don't want to see doing mirror pics.
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