Just Graduated College and My Parents Don't Think I should Work.

Do what you want, man.

The summer after I graduated I had my best friends wedding in Hawai'i in late August. Instead of jumping right into work I chilled at home and worked out every single damn day and used Hawai'i as a reward for everything and then a prelude to getting a job.
Not saying you have to get a job now, but good luck going on interviews and they ask why you haven't worked in 2-3 years and you say, "oh I felt like chillen at home."
The privilege 
Not saying you have to get a job now, but good luck going on interviews and they ask why you haven't worked in 2-3 years and you say, "oh I felt like chillen at home."

Great point.

In fact OP, if you decide to start looking now and you go a long time with no luck it would help to volunteer somewhere. It shows at least some level of commitment to something and that you weren't just sitting around all day(for all they know).
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So wait, OP...you never really addressed this: what's the exact reasoning behind your parents wanting you to stay home? So far all I've gathered is something along the lines of "my parents want me to stay home because my parents want me to stay home."
f*** finding a job OP. take that extra money and free time you have and start a business. be your own boss

btw, I see you're in ATL. Tell your parents i'll move in and do your chores for the extra change :wink:
Bruh, GO WORK! Stack ya bread, stay home with your parents and make a plan to move out in the near future. It's a lot of opportunity out there and just sitting on your *** won't be a good look. Trust. I was in a position similar to you, minus my parents breaking me off with money and "wanting me not to work" and I hated being unemployed.
After seeing OP sn I really think this is a troll thread. You not no trustafarian GucciJermaine.
Just because your parents don't want you to work, doesn't mean you shouldn't "work."

Explore the world. Seek new opportunities. Meet new people. And find out more about what you love in this world. Most people would kill to have your opportunity. Do them all a favor and don't squander it.
realtalk i would stay home if they bought me a 745 with the gucci interior. other than that i wouldnt stay home
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