congrats to him for real...I still don't think he really all that ill on the mic and his flow need's MAJOR work, but I hope he can change my opinionsoon cuz he's grinding hard
Originally Posted by Amun Andre

Originally Posted by im out chea

will wale even go gold???
He's gonna flop hard only people that know dude are on the net, and those dudes are gonna rapidshare his %##! with the fastness.
[h1]Blog, social network buzz correlatesto better album sales[/h1]

The amount of online "chatter" about an upcoming album release
directly correlates to higher physical album sales, according to two
researchers with New York University's Stern Business School.
Professor Vasant Dhar and former student Elaine Chang observed the
trends of 108 albums released during the first two months of 2007 to
see how different outside elements affected (or predicted) sales once
the albums became available, and found that all of them had some
effect or another. But certain elements of online chatter-namely blogs
and social networks-seemed to be fairly accurate predictors of future
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The researchers followed the Amazon sales ranks for each of the 108
albums over a period of eight weeks (they said that Nielsen SoundScan
stats would have been ideal, but they are costly and proprietary), as
well as articles, blog postings, and MySpace friend counts about them.
The blogosphere appeared to be most strongly correlated to better
album sales-if 40 or more legitimate (written by normal people and not
by marketers) blog posts were made before an album's release, sales
ended up being three times the average.

That trend doesn't just apply to music from the Big Four, either.
Albums from independent labels enjoyed the same level of success. But
if an album was from a Big Four record label, sales increased five-
fold after 40 legit blog posts. If blog posts crossed 250, album sales
turned out to be six times the average, regardless of label.

The number of MySpace friends a particular band has also correlates to
better album sales. "The number of friends a band has is displayed on
its MySpace page is like a public badge of popularity," wrote Dhar and
Chang, while observing the change in the number of MySpace friends
from week to week. The bigger the increase in MySpace friends, the
better an album's sales turned out to be. The change, however, was not
as big as that related to blog posts, which the researchers believe is
because adding someone as a friend on MySpace is a relatively passive
process compared to putting the effort into composing a blog post.

Despite all of this new data, a good review in Rolling Stone still
can't be beat. "Although we found that user-generated content is a
good predictor of music album sales, our analysis showed that
traditional factors cannot be ignored," the researchers wrote. Music
from major labels traditionally sold 12 times as much as that from
independent labels, and the more mainstream media reviews an album
got, the higher the sales.

As to whether all this online chatter actually causes or merely
predicts online sales, the researchers can't say. "It is not possible
to make such a conclusion based on this study," they wrote, nothing
that it was probably a mixture of both. The quality of the artist and
expectations about the album causes people to talk about the album
more before release, but new buyers could be swayed as a result of the
increased chatter. But Dhar and Chang warn that if there is any
causality involved, it has to be totally organic in order for the
effect to work. "f blog posts start becoming manipulated because
people think they have an impact on sales, that the predictive power
might disappear because the underlying reasons for it disappear," they
damn i ain't even heard a line by dude...I'll check for it....but i don't think its my genre

anyways props to dude for getting the payoff after what seems like major grinding
I mean i aint a "hater" son son.. if anything im talking foreal. All my peoples is from uptown and we dont rock gear the way he does.. mad tight to
the body and all that.

Uptown N's have a REPUTATION for being dressy people...and that goesWAY back from when N's like Fray was puttin in work. This is a known fact. Uptown N's was the first dudes I seen from this city to start that tightjean bright color Kanye stuff.
Good looks on the shoutz Ninja and Jewelz.

I'll hit you up on the PM later on Wale.
He already smashed dc with concerts the past 2 years like 40 times.. Ninjas in Cali, ny, philly, atl, texas aint going to see no DC ninja if anything they dont even know where DC at they be like aint that where the white house at and all white peoples live there? i be like hell nah.

You do realize he's done like thousands of venues from DC, Cali basically all those places you named and then others you prolly never thought about.I'm from Cali and I effed (pause) wit dude since Paint a Picture, trust me people out there want to hear what he has to say or else this threadwouldn't be at 4 pages all over a aim conversation. Oh yea and he'll be performing in SXSW as well
dude gonna have a tough time putting up number unless he drops some major hit single.

im thinking only the internet/hipster heads are gonna know who he is.
I think he has a chance here do do SOMETHING, you know...like with Buddens it was more a mixtape converted to an album. Most people that got the mixtapedidn't know it would be comin out as a retail album, thus they had already d/l'd it and didn't know, or feel like going and buying it when itdropped like months later. Hell, I went to BestBuy the day after it dropped lookin for it, I didn't see any copies on the shelf, I asked the dude whoworked there if he could look it up in the computer. They said they had 4 copies but they couldn't find em, so it was like a hunt to track down a cd ofMM3. Now unless you're a big fan, you wouldn't really go through the trouble just to buy the cd.
But with this situation he's gonna be teaming with Mark Ronson which is huge. Dude is like 1 of my favorite DJ's, and he's had great success withLily Allen & Winehouse. Its gonna be interesting to see how he does with a hip-hop act. I remember Ronson was 1 of the first dudes on to Saigon on 1 of hismixtapes.
Originally Posted by avitale8

I think he has a chance here do do SOMETHING, you know...like with Buddens it was more a mixtape converted to an album. Most people that got the mixtape didn't know it would be comin out as a retail album, thus they had already d/l'd it and didn't know, or feel like going and buying it when it dropped like months later. Hell, I went to BestBuy the day after it dropped lookin for it, I didn't see any copies on the shelf, I asked the dude who worked there if he could look it up in the computer. They said they had 4 copies but they couldn't find em, so it was like a hunt to track down a cd of MM3. Now unless you're a big fan, you wouldn't really go through the trouble just to buy the cd.
But with this situation he's gonna be teaming with Mark Ronson which is huge. Dude is like 1 of my favorite DJ's, and he's had great success with Lily Allen & Winehouse. Its gonna be interesting to see how he does with a hip-hop act. I remember Ronson was 1 of the first dudes on to Saigon on 1 of his mixtapes.

Yea but look at Ronson's own artists. Rhymefest ain't do +%%. I thought dude was over hyped though especially after it came out he wrote parts ofJesus Walks. Dude is a lyricist who doesn't make good music. I think if Wale comes in with originality and flows off of some go go type beats I can seedude fillin' a void simliar to what Lupe, Common and Kanye are doin' now. But if he comes into the game as another generic rapper who spits a couple ofhot lines he's gonna be forgotten by next year.
at the hate.
Not big on his music have a few stuff.
Congrats to him.
Dudes even trying to help out NTers.
^i dont think its even that.....people like him but know (or thinK) that he wont do well because of his style or the lack of buzz off the net.

Me, i like his music and can't wait for him to do big thinks for the city and hip hop.
Its a few dudes in here that sound like they have a vendetta against the man. Let him live. And most are mad for no apparent reason. Bammas jump on theinternet and go psycho.
Originally Posted by WE LOVE 1989

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I wouldn't be suprised if it was under Jay's iTunes imprint...
If that even exists..

Anyways, if this "machine" is indeed Interscope, it's STILL not a good look.

I personally wouldn't even F with the Universal Music Group since they're too busy singing ringtone acts (Pop It Off Boyz (Universal Records), Rocko (Island Urban/Universal), Trap Starz Clik (Universal Republic), Soulja Boy (Interscope/Universal), Yung Ralph (Universal Republic), Tum Tum (Universal Republic), the list of ringtone rappers signed to Universal can go on.

I could personally see Wale fitting well with Atlantic Records if they can market him like they do Lupe, T.I., etc. because T.I.'s last album's marketing was incredible and that album wasn't even all that son still pushed 1+ million and Lupe's "Superstar" is getting rotation like no other.

Wale = Interscope Records (Nay..)

Wale = Atlantic (Yay..)

I'm done.

Lupe's doing decent....but look how his first joint got handled...and look at Saigons situation....
I can see him becoming the next Lupe career wise but he just needs to jump on a big song like Lu did with Touch The Sky...
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Tom Jooks

An even wacker version of Kanye that dresses worse.

this dude is not like Ye' at all...any dude not rapping like everybody else gets compared to Kanye or Lupe

'dresses worse' this aint no fashion show...word to the RZA on the intro to Disk 2 of Forever

I GOT BEATS AND BEATS AND BEATSANDBEATS!!! I need to put out a mixtape called BeatsandBeats, copyright that...
Now he just has to find a target market and sell...

I'd still independently grind, if I go major, it'll have to change my life. Shows and mix tapes make $.
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