Just quit my job vol. how did yall quit? UPDATE PAGE 5

Fam the crazy thing about my job is they really like me. I just don't love what I'm doing and I say it all the time covid "broke" me.

I'm not remotely interested in spending an unnecessary amount of time doing something I'm not passionate about.

I'm extremely fortunate in many ways. If I were to quit, I'd be giving up a 6 figure bag at a company that almost never hires people that look like me or have a background similar to mine.

However, despite my organizations best efforts the job just isn't for me. I have way too much of a entrepreneurial mindset and unfortunately covid really exposed that. I've been kinda bsing for the last couple weeks (mostly because I'm working on another housing project for a multifam I bought last month). I've noticed that I'm much more passionate about that than I am my job which is problematic.

I truly don't know if that can be resolved. However making what I make has made it much easier to get grow my real estate/ investment portfolio.

Let this crypto come back and y'all gonna see me make a thread very similar to this.


Very well thought out and logical post.

I was just learning about decision making and how much our emotions factor in to the TEA concept.

T = Thought
E = Emotion
A = Action

People tend to think these three must be in harmony in order to find success but that aint exactly true. We have to prioritize them according to our definition of success.

As long as you are aware of the distinct differences between these then you can navigate your decision vector properly.

As humans its impossible for us to separate our emotions from our thought process and there is a real reason you're feeling the way you do.

You've clearly given this a lot of thought and are conscious of your emotions which is great.

Once your head and your heart are in one accord the solution will present itself.

Is there a way for you to mitigate your risk and go part time?
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I've been thinking about this a lot lately. How long do you "suck it up" and go along with the stress? When is enough enough?

I joined a new company earlier this year and it started fine, but now working 55-60 hour weeks for the past couple months is taking its toll. It's supposed to be temporary, but that temp tag sure does feel like a long time. Contemplating hitting up my old manager since I left on good terms, but I also left that job for a reason (similar work/life balance issues and salary issues).

Are you stressed at work or outside of work as well? If you’re stressed about work when you’re not on the clock then enough is enough. If you’re just stressed while at work maybe just “suck it up” cuz grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Sounds like they just have you working too many hours though, which understandably is taxing.

On the topic of work stress and effects like burnout, its important to recognize its cousin, boreout


Man this is THEE main reason I quit to start my own business. I didn’t even know “bore out” was a thing :lol: I got paid fairly well and the benefits were great working for the government but I’d only actually work 1-2 hours a day on average, and spend the rest of the day on the internet/NT. Some days I wouldn’t work at all. Like if I was having a bad week I’d just save my workload for one day and do nothing the other days unless I had to go to meetings or pickup the phone for something. I knew if I didn’t leave I’d just be wasting away most of my life in boredom and mediocrity. Stuck at that cubicle with nothing to do all day SMH.

Boreout is fine, especially in white collar jobs. You can be on the clock and online learning how to do network marketing, trade forex, do hair, taking online classes, tons of things really. Basically free time while on the clock, only stipulation is keep your work computer logged into the vpn. Hell sometimes I turn my phone's wifi router on on slow days and go run errands, go to the zoo, etc. while on the clock. and just sit my laptop in the backseat. It's way better than being overworked and cant see your family.

Bore out definitely gotta be more tolerable in the COVID era. Telework is prevalent and the tech is way better than it used to be. I used to feel so shady making a 5 hour drive on my biweekly telework day. Just answering emails via blackberry at rest stops lol. Although I abused telework regularly, I could not imagine going to the zoo while on the clock back in 2017 last time I teleworked :lol: For sure a diff world now.
In 2012 I work at this spot called McMenamins. Kinda like a hotel/restaurant/theater place. Anyways, I worked the theater and I’d put in a request to go to Coachella. The manager (at the time) gave me the time off I needed and everything was cool. About couple weeks before I was taking off, the manager had quit and our store manager took over. I hated that dude and always made slick remarks to him. So I’d checked the request cause it was on a piece of paper and it had a line thru it saying “denied. See me”. Lol so that day was a Timbers home game and my cousin hit me up see if I wanted to go. Ended up walking out my shift, went to the game and made the manager put the movie together cause it was a old projector style. And he didn’t know how to do it. Only I did. Lol. The calls I got during the Timbers game…
Boreout is bless what do you mean :lol: getting paid to do other things? Shoooot ill take that over being stressed about a lot of work.

Handling your side income/business while on the clock and getting paid is bless. Its a game, gotta play it.
Are you stressed at work or outside of work as well? If you’re stressed about work when you’re not on the clock then enough is enough. If you’re just stressed while at work maybe just “suck it up” cuz grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Sounds like they just have you working too many hours though, which understandably is taxing.
Nah its started getting to me outside of work now, in the past couple weeks. I've had some discussions with a manager and I basically laid it all out there for them today, so hoping i get some help moving forward. Yours and everyone else's advise is heard loud and clear. I guess I just needed some outside clarity to see the situation better and have that reminder to not kill myself for someone that wont do for me. Have some written promises that help will be figured out by end of this week. Plans are being made for contingencies if they dont follow thru.
bruh this is what i was going thru. idk if my job was the direct factor but i feel like it played a role in my depresssion, had me down af

word man mental health is something I'm just getting familiar with so I can't speak that much about depression. i def was at a low point during that time at that job where friends were looking at me with a WTF face...like I visibly didn't look good. not sick, but...stressed and fatigued.

i feel like the worst thing is to let that bad experience dictate the rest of your life. speaking for myself, it wasn't the first racist workplace experience I've had, but it was the worst by far. and while i wish cancer upon this person (yea i said it, don't even @ me), the worst thing i can do not move on. I'm not depressed...maybe harbor anger? I'm just tired of these symptoms honestly, but otherwise, I'm just focused on my life to come, yolo.

BUT i don't wanna take away from what you going thru. that's real. and i hope you get that help you need that helps you breathe better ya dig? life too short to let **** hold you down from being happy. feel me?

Once I had kids I saw the full benefits of work/life balance. I used to stay extra/stress out all the time/check emails non stop on vacation and days off...not anymore. It's not worth it

Soon as COVID-19 happened and we started working remote, I deleted Outlook and Slack from my phone. Now there is no way for my coworkers/customers to reach me after hours, and my stress levels have reduced significantly
People are awakening to the reality that labor in the United States is archaic at best and criminal at worst.

But nothing compared to Japan...

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Very well thought out and logical post.

I was just learning about decision making and how much our emotions factor in to the TEA concept.

T = Thought
E = Emotion
A = Action

People tend to think these three must be in harmony in order to find success but that aint exactly true. We have to prioritize them according to our definition of success.

As long as you are aware of the distinct differences between these then you can navigate your decision vector properly.

As humans its impossible for us to separate our emotions from our thought process and there is a real reason you're feeling the way you do.

You've clearly given this a lot of thought and are conscious of your emotions which is great.

Once your head and your heart are in one accord the solution will present itself.

Is there a way for you to mitigate your risk and go part time?

Really meant to get back to this yesterday my bad.

Honestly I don't know if my job can be much more accommodating. They are requiring me to go back to the office in September but only 40% which is fair.

I genuinely think my disdain for working for others is the true reason for my contention. Overall I work for a really good company and that's not lost on me in the slightest.

One of the higher ups even pulled up to my kids bday party this year and has had me over several times during the pandemic.

Ironically not long after my last post I missed a call from another higher up (was after 5 and I was playing bingo with the fam). They were calling to request for me to mentor some interns. **** like that always blows my mind. Even when I think man I'm not doing so well they continue to push for me to have a bigger role and more impact. That too makes it hard for me to just up and leave.

I got at least 30 days before my bonus so once that hits maybe I will feel different but for now I gotta just hustle on both ends until one finally overtakes the other I guess.

Thanks for all the feedback too P Present I didn't even realize I was using those methods to process my decision making, honestly I've just really grown up a lot since having a kid and I can't make some of the same selfish moves I would've in my younger years.
Only had one job that wanted a 2 week notice. They were so mad they took my vacay days they previously approved but still asked me honor the 2 weeks. F em
I always give two weeks notice when going into a new position. Kinda lucked up during COVID. Found a new job at another agency and didn’t even know the position would be fully remote when they hired me. I just asked one day so when do they think we’ll go back in the office and they said as long as you’re performing you can work from home indefinitely.
speaking of being overworked. At my job me and my boys had a little melt down last week. We’ve been short staffed and my supervisor was the worst I’ve ever had. He’s totally useless just watches us bust our *** week after week and piles on more work.

we all parked our trucks turned off our work phones and went home one day saying we’re too tired to work figure it out.

well, the owner wrote an article in our company paper praising our hard work and thanking us and a ton of people stepped up to help us and then my supervisor looked so bad he never came back to work. :rofl: :rofl:

so now we have no boss and it’s just 3 bros keeping a multi million dollar paving company rolling and we do whatever we want.:rofl:

We need something we go straight to the owner now and he just got us a new 120k dollar trailer because we said we want one. Sometimes you just gotta speak your mind…
speaking of being overworked. At my job me and my boys had a little melt down last week. We’ve been short staffed and my supervisor was the worst I’ve ever had. He’s totally useless just watches us bust our *** week after week and piles on more work.

we all parked our trucks turned off our work phones and went home one day saying we’re too tired to work figure it out.

well, the owner wrote an article in our company paper praising our hard work and thanking us and a ton of people stepped up to help us and then my supervisor looked so bad he never came back to work. :rofl: :rofl:

so now we have no boss and it’s just 3 bros keeping a multi million dollar paving company rolling and we do whatever we want.:rofl:

We need something we go straight to the owner now and he just got us a new 120k dollar trailer because we said we want one. Sometimes you just gotta speak your mind…

sheeiiit better ask for a raise too while the plug still there lol
I quit Footlocker to go to Applebees. I quit Applebees the next year when I was finishing up school. Both were casual as hell. I didn't want to work a shift and told them I was done.

I then quit Finishline after maybe seven months as Manager in Training. I wasn't too far out from getting my own store, but I hated the hours and BS, plus Chicago Transit Authority had offered me a marketing position. I showed up late and dropped off my keys.

In hindsight, I wish I would have been more professional. It didn't affect my future, but I'm older now and run my own business. I know better.
I worked for the state of Texas in 2012. I quietly exited out of a side door about 10:30 on a Monday morning and they never saw me again. My manager called me for about 3 weeks leaving voicemails asking if I would come back but I never picked up or returned her calls. I was fried mentally and I couldn't do it anymore. I had about $20K in savings and lived off of that for a few months before I went to the temp service. I'd do it all over again.
When I was depressed and stressed I just stopped showing up to a job I was at for 7 years lol. Didn’t reply to their text or anything for a few days and they had the police come to my house for a wellness check .

they loved me there smh. Hated my supervisor though . Used them as a reference for current job and they gave good reviews I believe , so it worked out lol.

sidenote : lot of the stress was because of the Job. I was only supposed to be doing supply chain/planning for one department then somebody got promoted , somebody else quit and I was there covering because my new dumb *** supervisor held up hiring …. Then I told him a week in advance I needed my birthday off he said ok, day before came and he told me I gotta come in even though I had my PTO in. That was my last day lol
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