Just started collecting any suggestions

Sneaker collecting=passion. You shouldn't have to ask what to buy if you have that passion, their should already be like 500 pairs you have wanted forever.
ya i would stop, i got like 7 grand worth i wish i could sell them and get that money back, but its to hard to now lol
Originally Posted by WindyCity23

Currently im attending Shoesaholic Annonymous. Its very addicting. Sometimes I say to myself I wish I was never into collecting shoes, but then again I love shoes, why not spend the money on what I love. I have a family as well and buy them shoes as well. What other things can you spend your money on? You spend it on what you like right? Collecting shoes is like collecting basketball cards. You can say shoes are ment to be worn, but stamps are ment to be on envelopes, and collecting coins are ment to spend. Most of you guys dont make sense when saying shoes are ment to be worn. Everything has a purpose, but not only one purpose. I can collect cars and not drive them. IF you love shoes, then collect them, wear them do what ever you want with them, but do it because you deeply have a passion for them, not because you want to fit it and say you have Jays. DONT BE A HYPEBEAST!
This is some of the best advice I've seen in this thread. Buy what you like and do whatever you want with them whether it be keeping them DSor rocking them into the ground. Just make sure it all stems from passion and not feeding into the hype.

Just make sure to stop before it get's this bad
Originally Posted by NJstress03

i would suggest u see what jordans have been released in the last "x" amount of years (depending how far back u wana go) look at all the different CW's and different models of AJ's. go for what u find appealing. i would go on sneakefiles.com and click on the air jordan category icon. it will show u all the OG CW's and all the retro CW's and when they came out. my personal suggestions would be to look into the grape V's, flint XIII's, olympic VII's, CDP VI's (carmines), and aqua VIII's. those r jus some of my favs all a
all those pairs u named r pretty much my top CW's lol
Im scared to do bizzness on ebay since i bought a pair of air jordan xx3 finale and got a pair of levi ones dude had good feedback but claims he sent me theair jordan xx3 so just be carefull
Patience is key.

If you're looking for older shoes don't splurge just wait, numerous occasions I bought a shoe and only to find a week or two later finding it for acheaper price.

So patience I say and when you know a steal pick it up
u jus have to get something u really like. collecting doesnt need to be really expensive. jus get what you like. and if u could get some exclusives now andthen. thats not bad at all.
you dont have to get every cool kicks around the block. if ur not feelin them then dont. jus get what u really want and do what u want with them so u'llget the most outta it.
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