[\Kanye Speaks- Leno Returns Tonight!! 10pm On NBC Vol. Kanye Spoke/]

Is this show live?

And WILL be there. They showed him boarding the flight to LA earlier
will be watching....
My dude is good friends with one of his stylist and said he said he wasn't coming on.
I'll be watching

When is Halle Berry scheduled to appear she promised she'd do a split when he moved to his new timeslot.
NBC is ODing on the late night shows
Leno then Coco then Fallon then Daly ... $%#

i hope Ye interupts Leno in his monologue, then i hope Lil Mama interupts Jay's performance again.
Nobody on late night TV has better jokes in the monologue than Leno
Conan's jokes aren't as good as Leno, Conan is just better at milking a joke for all it can get and making fun of audience reaction.
Tonight Show plus cheaper set and new time = Jay Leno show. Could we put Jay back on the tonight show and Conan on the late night then kick Jimmy Fallon offNBC please.
Have you guys seen Carson Daly lately? I'd barely call it a late night show anymore.

Leno >>>>>> Jimmy Fallon. Fallon has never gotten into a good groove yet and his sketches suck.

What's the point of Conan's show being the "Tonight Show"? For one, the earlier time slot makes a huge difference for him. Second, Jay'sshow is supposed to be different than a talk show, but a comedy show. So instead of the shows being more about his guests, the "Jay Leno Show" ismore about him. So it's not like they screwed Conan or anything.
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